Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Saturday, April 5, 2014

VDO & Story of a Double Lucky China Fan of Sihoo ^^~

Photos credits and thanks to China fans in Weibo.

Here is the story of a double lucky China fan of Sihoo Oppa^^.

She is  梅儿 (Mei Er) from Weibo who shares the same Chinese name as mine :: Mei^^
When her lucky draw number 67 was called, she was standing near the front, totally mesmerized by
Sihoo Oppa on the stage and forgotten her lucky draw was in her bag which was at the back of the
ballroom. When the MC repeated the number a few times and if the fan with that lucky draw number didn't show up, they will have to move on to get Oppa to draw another number. Mei Er quickly ran back to
her bag , retrieved her number and hurry up the stage.

She introduced herself and said out loud to Sihoo Oppa :: " Park Si Hoo, I love you!". So upon hearing this warm greetings, Sihoo Oppa wanted to shake her hands. She was too excited and engrossed in happiness, she didn't noticed his friendly gesture and didn't react to him in time so Sihoo Oppa looked embarassed at that moment and laughed which made the whole crowd roaring with laughter.

When it was time for Sihoo Oppa to feed her with the cotton candy, she felt she was the happiest and most blessed girl in the whole world, her heart bursting with joy! She hugged him tightly and both of them look tremendously happy as a beloved actor and ardent fan.

Mei Er specially travelled all the way from Shangxi Province, spent a night in the train to come to Beijing to
meet Sihoo Oppa for his "Scent" movie press conference cum fan meeting, taking a day's off from her work. After the fan meeting ended, she took the train from Beijing back home to Shangxi but the train was full and there was no seat left, she stood for 5 hours all the way home. That night, when she reached home, she couldn't sleep at all after thinking of the most precious moments with her Sihoo Oppa.

She went online in Weibo after past 1am and search for the events photos and to her delight, she found them and posted in her weibo to Sihoo Oppa ::

sihoo,this is me!we both smile happily!i will never forget your warm hug!it will be my precious memory!thank u and love u!

And also to her fans in Weibo ::

haha,it is very sweet!because sihoo gives it to me!do you envy me?

The following morning, another round of happiness sprang on her , Sihoo Oppa and Mei Er was featured on a China Newspaper! She was jumping with so much joy and screaming her lungs out in happiness. She became the double lucky fan of Sihoo Oppa in Sihoo Fandom.

Thanks to her wonderful and warm story of Sihoo Fandom.
I told her that she should frame up that clothes she wore hugging Sihoo Oppa and all the these precious priceless photos and she agreed.^^

And now it's time to watch the VDO of this moment once more!^^

Credit : Lemon, thank you!

Credit : Mei park@sihoorang, thank you!

credit :, thank you!

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