Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Friday, April 4, 2014

♥★Sihoo's Birthday Message in SHR^^~★♥|

~ Translated to English credits and thanks to our Julie Nim^^

Picture from his newest photo on Weibo ( Today)

Title: I sincerely appreciate all of you~^^

How's everyone been doing well? I'm Sihoo.^^

It seems like it's been a long time since I upload my message with a comfortable feeling…

Maybe it must be… and for such a long time, you might have waited for my letter. So, here I am uploading the message.

I appreciate so many of you who has not forgotten and celebrated my birthday today as expected..

Just by the existence of all of you is indeed a powerful support to me..

You all know that your existence is a great gift to me even though I haven't told you so?~^^

Though I feel something is missing because we cannot be together on this birthday, I hope you will consider this is as a purpose of waiting for better opportunities and hope you all will be able to understand it…

In the past, the weather around my birthday seemed to be a bit chilly, but this year the spring is definitely in the air…

The cherry blossoms are already blooming a lot…It’s so sad not to have a cherry blossom date with you all^^

Did you smile just before?^^

I am tremendously happy as all of you will be smiling widely with just my single sentence like this..even it's my flat joke.

Moreover, at the present moment it's so precious when I am able to smile like this…

I'm really very grateful for the time I have spent with you all together….

I really think I am a blessed person indeed^^

I hope you all will always keep a happy heart in life.

It would be wonderful to fill each other's heart with your same wishes to me.

I sincerely appreciate to all of you celebrating on my birthday…

I am so fortunate and grateful, too, as all of you exist.

I love all of you.^^


여러분 진심으로 감사해요~^^

여러분 잘 지내셨죠? 시후 입니다.^^

정말 오랜만에 편안한 마음으로 글을 올리는 것 같아요…

아마도 많이들… 오랫동안 편지를 기다리셨을 거란 생각에 글을 올립니다.

역시나 오늘 제 생일을 잊지 않고 축하해주신 많은 분들 감사해요…

여러분들의 존재만으로 저에겐 큰 힘이 된다는 거…

정말 큰 선물이라는 거 말 안 해도 아시겠죠?~^^

이번 생일에도 함께할 수 없어서 아쉽지만

더 좋은 자리를 위해서라고 생각해주시고 이해해주셨으면 좋겠어요…

예전에는 생일 때 쯤 날씨가 약간 쌀쌀했던 것 같은데 올해는 완연한 봄이네요…

벌써 벚꽃도 많이 폈던데… 여러분하고 벚꽃 데이트를 못해서 정말 아쉽네요^^

방금 웃으셨나요?^^

이렇게 저의 한 마디에… 썰렁한 농담에도 활짝 웃고 계실 여러분이 있어서 정말 행복합니다.

그리고 이렇게 웃을 수 있는 지금이… 너무 소중하고…

여러분들과 함께하는 시간들이 너무 감사하고…

저는 참… 축복받은 사람이라는 생각이 많이 들어요^^

여러분들도 늘 행복한 마음으로 생활하셨으면 좋겠고,

그런 마음 저에게도 전해주셔서 함께 채워갈 수 있었으면 좋겠습니다.

생일 축하해주셔서 진심으로 감사 드리고…

저 역시 당신들이 있어 정말 다행이고, 고맙습니다.

여러분… 사랑합니다.^^

credit : mei park @SHR, thanks


  1. A beautifully heartfelt message from a great person and artist. I'm happy for his happiness.

    Thank you for sharing.

    1. Hi Daniela, I felt that too. He is such a charming and a good writer. Sometimes we can missing his meaning easily with translation. To have Julie who is Korean & fluent in English is a bless for Park Si Hoo that his message will get the best translation for his fan around the world! I hope more Korean fans will come out and help him more!^^

  2. I felt so happy when I read Si Hoo's message...

    1. To read something out from his heart is always makes us happy and we can tell he really has a good time now.
      He teases us a lot in here! Love it!~^^

  3. Foarte frumos mesajul lui Si Hoo ! Sanatate ii doresc si realizari pe toate planurile !

    1. Dear Nicoleta, I will add your wishes on my post at SHR! If it's okay with you!^^
