Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Park Si Hoo : The Unforgettable Korean Actor

Today is " Preview " Day

Don't have anything much to report you.

So..I would like to share this article from Korean viewers at
 " My Golden Life " DC Gallery
How they looked at Park Si Hoo's performance in drama " My Golden Life "

Some of them know nothing about Park Si Hoo, some may but little,
And some started watcing the drama because they followed other actors,
And some watch the drama as their weekend night habbit, I guess!^^

What I try to tell you is, most of them not Park Si Hoo's fans at all.
This forum dedicates to the drama as a whole not only Park Si Hoo
And to be honest after I observed them since the drama started 
the atmosphere toward Park Si Hoo had changed a lot...

As you can read with me what they have to say about him...

Translation based on Google so it won't be 100% accurate.
I do my best to make it easy for you to read 
without intefering the original words in Korean

Posted by ㅇㅇ, thank you!

( ED : This ID "  ㅇㅇ" Like anonymous so I really don't know her name at all
Many members have their ID as a number such as...211.114 something like that )

Title : Park Si Hoo

The writer wrote...

His acting was fine
but it became more mature in his golden drama 
Beneath his acting, sometimes. 
he speaks through his eyes,
 his backwardness, his body language, 
his silence, his body line, 
his gesture, and his action. 

[ED : Below are comment from members 

who shared their opinions about Park Si Hoo]

It seems Park Si Hoo's performance is upgraded.
Do you feel like he has a lot of deep feeling ? 
Cheering for Do Kyung .. 211.114. *. *

ㅇㅇ There are many roles that have impacted on his previous works, 
but it's Do Kyung that the actor's performance 
has better impact on me . 223.38. *. *

ㅇㅇ It is so nice to watch him played in the second half 
and he played it naturally and deeply. 125.190. *. *

ㅇㅇ Well, emotional abstinence and his expression was natural.

There are a lot of shining star actors, 
but there aren't many actors who can act well, 
and I am glad that I have seen it from actor Park Si Hoo .

ㅇㅇ I'm really looking forward to see his performance. 
I'm sure you can be a good actor
 if you can focus on your eyes, hand gestures, postures, and voices 
And because of the hard works he had put into it here. "- dc App 223.62. *. *.

ㅇㅇ Speech seems to be the problem for most actors have to solve. 
The pronunciation has to be correct and it is really a handful work.

Speech is always a problem for veteran actors even with decades of experience, 
And it needs a constantly practice on it .

ㅇㅇ The more he acted, the more I get sick (love).

ㅇㅇ I feel he has a lot of hardships in this drama than the previous one. 
He has a lot of advantages and expressiveness that really good, 
but he's often buried it through his voice. 
His charm is so good also. 223.131. *. 

ㅇㅇIf you have talent, plus practice and effort, 
you can become an actor and a popular star 

ㅇㅇIt is a good acting from Park Si Hoo. 
He seems to improve his acting ability in this drama 1.235. *. *

ㅇㅇ I like Choi Do Kyung? 
He has a deep and mature expression, but he didn't have any impact with me before. 
I personally think his acting is better than the previous one. 223.131. *. *

He is an actor who will continue to grow in the future ...

ㅇㅇIt's really strange that I got into Choi Do kyung's character a lot. 
It's so strange that he's making such a powerful and attractive character.

ㅇㅇ Even when he's in a close-up picture or just showing his face on screen, 
Or showing off his whole body or with background from the distance,
 Or take a picture with other actors and express all kinds of expression
I feel as if he's in the golden throne 1.235. *. *

ㄴ ㅇㅇ His emotional, expression when he acted with other actors
that matches so well and it's really recognizable. 

Park Si Hoo has a chemist with every actors,
whether he's photographed with someone else.
 I feel like he's a very good actor. 223.62. *. *

ㅇㅇI am thinking about how he expressed all the circumference of the ending scene. 
I am going to analyze the remaining 2 episodes later.

ㅇㅇIn other words, I am curious about how Park Si Hoo interprets 
and expresses the scripts that created by the writer. 1.235. *. *

ㅇㅇI'm falling in love with Park, who plays Choi. His performance is delicate and lively.
 It even makes you wanted to review all his previous work and make you wander. 
I support the next project of Park. 59.8. *. *

ㅇㅇEven when he closed his eyes or take a shot with his emotions 
that we can feel so much empathy in it .. 
Capturing every 0.1 seconds to capture any cuts .. 
Just pass the scenes are captured his emotions,  there are feelings in motion .. 
Sometimes More than watching through the drama. 
Capture cuts from one to the other, even his voice is great also. 223.131. *. *

ㅇㅇPark Si Hoo is just like Choi. He's a synchro rate of 200 pro! 
 He looks like an actor with a lot of charm. 
I will support your next project. But the drama is ending.
 I think I'm going to miss Do Kyung. ㅠㅠ 

ㅇㅇFriendly, warm, cool, sharp, and hard to combine. 

~ The end  in here but still more comments pouring in, 
please check from the link above to see more if you're interested!^^~

[ ED : As I said before, they don't really know much about Park Si Hoo.
Otherwise they won't say, his performance is getting better in this drama. 
Because he's always good like this years ago...
Only you girls haven't recognized him yet!^^ ]


  1. I have been a fan even before The Princess's Man the beautiful sageuk whic I think really catalputed him to stardom globally. Still a fan even through the darkest period of his life that started sometime in 2013, I have stood by him even when almost everything was almost snatched away from him. Now with My Golden Life I see that he has not lost it. His mettle as an actor even shines brightest like gold, untarnished and solid. PSH as Choi Do Kyung is unforgettable. With his effortless and true to form performance as the reluctant chaebol and his undeniable good looks and charm, PSH nails it, hands down. His detractors will always be there but what else could they say of him?!
    I look forward this weekend to the last 2 episodes with hope for mega ratings.

    1. Because supporting fans like you, make him can stand tall again today! Thank you!

  2. Köszönöm ezt a csodálatos megformálást ebben a drámában, minden rezdülését, mondatát cselekedetét hatványozottan érzékeltem!
    Jó volt, élethű és természetes ebben a történetben is, mintha önmagát megsokszorozva adta volna vissza a választott karakterét!
    Nagyon jó lenne, ha viszontláthatnánk minél hamarabb bármely projektben!
    Köszönöm a többieknek is a kimagasló teljesítményt! Kata58
