Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Italy Trip : Italian fans met Park Si Hoo at Fiumicino airport : 2015/09/07...More to tell^^

As every fans do after meeting Park Si Hoo!


We can't stop talking about him and so as our Italian friends!

Arianna said " I removed my glasses to take a pic with Si Hoo. It' s on my head ;-)

" Roberta, Arianna, and Sonia "

This time, let's hear the story from Arianna, another fan who was there!^^

Told by Arianna, thank you!

Hi Nikki 
( Arianna sent this via my email )

We made very few photos we were too much excited and then the manager blocked us. 
But he seemed surprised to see us. It was hard for him to write my name so after the first 
two letters I took the pen and I startted writing my name for him. He laughed a lot for this. 
It was a fun time. And then he has also embraced us. I did not bring flowers waaaaaa!

Ciao ciao Nikki

Credit : Arianna from Rome, Italy, thank you!
Credit :, thank you!


  1. Could this be possible? To be envious of someone and at the same time to be happy for their happiness. Well, I am, simultaneously. ^^
    That was a surprise as is defined in dictionary, in its absolute meaning.
    I thank them for make known to Park Si Hoo that he has fans outside of Asia too. Congratulations!

    1. Are you talking about how I feel?^^ To meet Park Si Hoo is something hard to explain, so addicted and we want to see him again after he just left us. If you don't believe me, ask Japanese or Chinese fans who met him many times! The question here is ..." How or when you will meet him for the first time in person ? " Our Italian friends had confirmed us he's worth any penny. Now they are eager to meet him again! Sure " Si Hoo syndrome had spread across Asia to Europe now! When it's your turn, I know you won't miss it!^^

  2. Its indeed a happy thought that even though some of us still have no chance meeting Sihoo in person at least in a form of simple spreading news we help fans fulfilled their dreams of meeting him in their unexpected time.

    1. Good morning, Jenn! Sorry, didn't have time to reply you early enough!

      I would like to use this opportunity to thank you, Jenn! If that thought to tag me in your post that day wouldn't happen. All of us never will have these pictures to share with everyone. This is the power of social network, it allows us to connect to each other no matter where we are. But without the hearts that connect to each other and your determination to do good for others, it's the main reason for this story can happen. We are really a family, Jenn! All of us here, We are Park Si Hoo family!^^ Thank you! And looking forward to hear your story one day when he visits The Philippines! Then you will be in the front row at the airport, right! Rain or shine can't stop our Jenn to meet her man!^^

  3. Haha, dear Nikki i cant imagine myself standing in front of Sihoossi for sure i will miss the moment because im fainted. Kekeke

    1. Hah! Then I will make sure to remind someone carry a bucket of water to the airport with you! So better don't faint! Hahaha!
