Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Do Kyung and Jian's Kiss scene ... so good ... with details ~

Look like no one can let go of this first kiss 
(As if it were our own first kiss^^)

This Korean fan had written in details about her (our) favorite scene in Ep. 18
Very lovely, sweet, and sad. with the lyrics of OST at the end of the episode, enjoy!

(ED : I tried to edit her writing as much as possible
from Google translation but still can be 100% accurated.)

Written by Gold Fan, thank you!

Link :
My Golden Life kissing VDO with number of viewers over 43,000.

Who is watching it like me every day?

This is the first addictive kiss scene.
"I do not want to ..."

On the day when it was aired, I was uploaded it here ...
I am impressed by many suggestions from the gallery members.
So I decided to write more details.


Do Kyung is approaching Jian and kneeling on one knee ...
Detail ~ detail ~, emphasizing the tidy and tired, he knelt down on the floor ... ㅠ ㅠ
In order to meet eye level with Jian ...

"That was great!" Jian is drunk ...
Who can not smile at this look ..
Next scene Do Kyung stroked Jian's head ... Not awkward
Jian was so cute and lovely ...

Hull ... Is your hand white like this?
As if don't be scared, like stroking baby carefully

He was .. very good ...
A little bit ...

This is why it is so nice and good ..

It was really good when you were my brother. Now it is just 5 days left

The last farewell from Jian

I was sorry ... Thank you ... Be well...

She always says "Thank you" and " I'm sorry " to "Do Kyung".
For the first time, I was wondering if it was not the story
that put the truth of her heart into reality.

Jian just told the last greeting like "my real brother".
It feels like a little bit of tearing away the touch of Do Kyung.
When Jian lost her way in the mountains ...
She thought about him when he tried to put clothes on her.
At that time, Jian was surprised every time he touched her clothes.
And now ... Was not this the moment?
I do not know what to think.

I feel like a moment of similar feeling ...
We ... do not see each other again...
He has been saying that ... but he can not stop reaching to  Jian,
the tender heart of his eyes was telling her ...

It feels like I'm the final compromise ... "

I do not think so ... I feel like I can not get to it in the end ...
Oh .. that pupil earthquake ... that tear .. that quivering lower lip ..
If I were a writer ... Shin Hye-sun, acting like that, would have died so beautifully ....

Actors take a look at shooting ... Even in the scene with the opponent ...
It is often taken to separately cut.
Now, even in this case .. Actress is acting behind the scenes,
and only actress and actor when acting .. My illusion that might be
Jian wasn't able to take a break because of her sparkle tears flowing in the side of her eyes.
You see? He would have been looking at ... Jian's flowing tears ...

The tears of Jian .. in the end ... They let the tears of Do Kyung falls ..

Anyway ... I'm so heartbroken in a drop of a man's tears ... ㅠㅠ ㅠㅠㅠ

Oh ... I am really into the charm of this thrilling and can not escape ....

This is the scene where Do Kyung ... approaching Jian with her eyes closing ...
The scene which confirms the mind of each other for the first time and the last ..

But it's not a passionate kiss ...
It is a good kiss with sorrow , love, comfort and last goodbye.

They made a kiss with a picture in this cool way ...
with flowing background music ...

( Lyrics of the OST)

This OST is released around the weekend.

Singer Kim Na Young

I am just walking at the end of a tired day.
In my heart that was cold,
Sometimes it's hard for me
I was sick
Hug me once in the back
The wind blew.
Come near me
My little frozen heart
I will wrap it warmly.
I can see you
Love is coming
We have a moment together
To remember forever
I love you I love you
I only loved you
I remember you who held me with my tears.

The sum total of two actors, directing, and ...
I wonder if this kind of scenery can come out again in the golden world.

The kiss of the day ..
So sad and ... good.

Credit : My Golden life DCgallery, thank you!


  1. So tender, so bittersweet,
    I just wish that they will find each other again under better circumstances at the right time, at the right place as lovers.

    1. If you talked about in the drama, they will, still 32 more episodes to go!
      Wow! already 18 done! Too fast! Too soon! What are we going to do when the drama is over?
      Scare to think about it!^^
