Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Thursday, August 31, 2017

English translation during Stage interview at My Golden Life Press conference 2017.08.29

So great! Glad we found it!

Full session, mostly translated transcript by meechuttso, thank you!

Actors Intro Upto 22:00

CHJ  ( Cheon Ho Jin )
I will cry a lot, please cry with me, it's good for your health.

PSH ( Park Si Hoo )
A different ChaeBol than ones you've seen before.

SHS (Shin Hye Sun)
SJA - 3-nothing character

SES (Seo Eun Su)
SJS - SJA twin, part timer, simple, free-spirited

LTH (Lee Tae Hwan)
SW-H role - SJA's friend who's a man (not BF)

LTS (Lee Tae Sung)
SJT role - N-give-up (not just 3

LDI (Lee Da In)
CSY role - at home obedient girl, outside 180-degrees different

CGH (Choi Gae Hwa)

KNG role - neighborhood bakery owner, 
ordinary character, some love story thrown in...

SHS (Shin Hye Sun)
SJH role - like a 'vitamin' to the family, ... having great fun in filming already

Q: PSH + PD - Some thoughts on PSH's challenges?

PSH - 5 yrs, has been burdensome frankly, very nervous and trembling
PD  - Some concerns, but not big, doing our best, watch over us

Q: for SHS + PD
        SHS: First starring role for SHS, feelings?
        PD : strength of this drama compared to 'My Daugher SeoYoung'? ('MDS')

SHS - In fact, um, am plenty nervous, would be lie if I said no pressure (burden). 
Of course no matter which role/drama, there's pressure associated with that role 
and a strong desire (greed) to do well.

SHS - (Smile), is true that inevitably this time there's an even stronger desire (greed) 
and pressure (burden) to do well.

SHS - So making much effort to do well and (looking to her left then right) also the atmosphere 
at the shoot is so good and feelings are warm, and senior and junior actors all so great, 
so ... better than I had anticipated, I am able to shoot more comfortably. 
Please watch over us with love, thank you.


PD - MDS was a different drama and this one can be similar in some respects to that one, 
but I think there's one thing that's common to them both - and that is, that the central story
 does not overshadow (sacrifice) the peripheral stories ... the main stars' stories do not sacrifice 
the support actors' stories, but rather harmonize one another well. So each one's 'color' 
is painted clearly, so that a variety of viewership is gained - this commonality 
they definitely share, I believe, ... to that end trying hard.

Q: PSH - A different type of ChaeBol? CGH - thoughts?

PSH - Usually in dramas you have a hunky, perfect image ChaeBol character, 
and before I received the script had also thought that this is that type of role, 
but once I got the script and was immersed in the role I realized that 
this is not a perfect character .... If you're curious for more, ... watch MGL 
and find out (haha) thank you.

CGH - A reporter had asked what role I haven't played and said 'melo', 
didn't think it would happen so quick. But I'm already in a love affair 
(speaking of his real life), and third child born, so ...

Q: PHS, SHS, LTH, how was working together? First impressions?

PSH - I get to work together with SHS for the first time,

(PSH starts to laugh, SHS also holding back laughter) had watched her previous work 
and she seemed very cold, but when I met her and started working with her, and unexpectedly
 she was very cool and comfortable to be with ... ate together also, and she's svelte and skinny, 
so I was thinking she must be hard at her diet with this leading role, ... was eating
 the manager's rice portion (half a bowl) also

PSH - She's not really taking care of herself (SHS looks hilarious holding back 
her pissed off look) , and she's that easy going and at the shoots she made it very comfortable 
for me ... I think we'll be able to produce an even better work. Thank you.(haha)

SHS - His first impression of me is a woman who eats (rice) well, it seems. 
When I first met him, I got that he has a gentle feel to him. And we're shooting,
 and true his character is a gentle one, but also a bit funny (comic-like)
 and a bit full of himself also, so ... comical feel was caming out of him. 
From the first shoot it's been very comfortable and felt like a good fit and

SHS (looking to her left) - not only senior (PSH) but also all the other co-actors
 with whom we worked really well and comfortable shooting atmosphere,... 
it should come out fun.

Q: Why would you eat the manager's food?

SHS - Oh that location, yesterday we shot at Yang Pyong, there were many matjib 
(tasty restaurants) there so we were eating, but we had not followed oppa (PSH),
 ... senior (PSH)'s group, but happened to end up at the same place. So we got to mooch off
 them a bit, but the food (rice) was soo tasty , and this manager kid next to me, 
had left rice unfinished. And oppa (PSH) was only eating half a bowl also,
 so... I scraped all the leftovers.

Q: You can't leave unfinished bowls. Do you not watch your figure?

SHS - When I eat, not that this is a healthy habit, but there are times 
when I am really hungry and then there are times when I'm not. 
Those cycles repeat...

Q: You didn't take food away from others, rather ate what's left. We'll leave it at that.

LTH - PSH, as noona (SHS) said, he's really gentle. He introduced himself first 
and felt hyung (PSH, older bro) he's really perfect and cool but as noona mentioned 
there's a bit of a buffoon in him, which I think is more attractive. Met HyeSun noona 
about 3.5 years ago when we had worked together on 'HS King of Savvy'. 
First time seeing her again in 3 years, and as we are friends in the roles, 
she's so kindly making it comfortable for me and adapting to my acting well also, 
having a very comfortable time shooting.

LTH - Myself I get to do many scenes with Eun Soo, and as the viewers 
and the press will find out as you watch the drama, in reality 
I think their (pointing to SES) personalities are identical. Ji Soo (role) 
and EunSoo (actress) to the extent they can even seem indistinguishable, 
they're identically good-natured, cute / round?? , bit of a clown, they both are.

Q: SES - you are bit of a ditzy part-time work only role, in reality what are you like?

SES - I think I am 'snappy' (똑불어진, 'got it together' girl) but people around me call me ditzy. 
This time a character a bit similar to myself, so having a comfortable time doing it.

Q: SES - Previously you had more professional roles is this role more difficult?

SES - Rather the previous roles were all challenging. This one ... easier 
because more like me.

Q: PSH - His 'clown-like', 'buffoon-like' mannerism. If you had to point to 

what makes Choi Do Kyung character attractive, what would it be?

PSH - ... He's got a lot of money. .... Tries to embody 'noblesse oblige', 
perceives himself as perfect, but when you get to know him there's some foolishness 
about him also, but he can be cute also. Multi-faceted, hopefully lovable character also ...

(Sorry, leaving out support actors for now.)

Great, isn't it?^^

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