Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

News : Park Hae-jin, Lee Je-hoon, Park Sihoo, Rain, Song Joong-gi tighten up TV shows

This news article mentioned about 5 actors who will have their shows in this early year of 2016.
And one of them of course Park Si Hoo!

Link to read full article :

We show you only Park Si Hoo's part, thank you!

Park Hae-jin, Lee Je-hoon, Park Si Hoo, Rain, Song Joong-gi tighten up TV shows

POP Herald original article : 2016-01-04 

Photo: DB headquarters

[Herald review star = jeonyunhui News] 

2016 male stars found a home theater in a long time. Expectations are higher in the character
 they are able to draw enough viewers for a long time, it labored to find work. 
The snow fun in warm visuals, of course.

박시후는 23일 첫 방송예정인 OCN ‘동네의 영웅’으로 3년 만에 국내 복귀를 앞두고 있다.
 ‘동네의 영웅’은 상처받은 전직 블랙 요원이 경찰을 꿈꾸는 비정규직 청년을 만나 그를 
비밀요원으로 성장시키며 악에 맞서 싸우는 생활밀착형 첩보 드라마. 

Park Si Hoo is ahead of returning to domestic work after three years as " Hero of the neighborhood 
" Schedule for first broadcasting is on Jan, 23 on OCN. " Neighborhood hero " is about a former spy 
who has wounded himself then met a young man who dream to be a police man 
this is a secret agent spy drama type to fight against the evil.

Credit :, thank you!

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