Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Park Si Hoo & Friend

By lewis_jungsungmin, thank you!

With Google translation

뭐가 이렇게 좋았을까..
좋은친구는 입가에 미소늘머금게한다는..
What good did so.
Outdoor hot spring.

Good friends should always smile on the lips.

바다..그곳에 다시가구싶다..
Y.M ogenki?
Sea ... I want to go there again.
Y.M ogenki?

Credit :, thank you!


  1. Although I'm sorry, friends of this photo is not K at the time of the 2013 incident! ?

    After the 2012 Japan Fanmi, SiHoo was entertained in Unzen hot spring with Uho and friend
    They three were returning from Fukuoka Airport.
    We for the send-off, went to Fukuoka Airport

    That time is the face and just like that seen in the vicinity!

    1. Hello cat415komako : Nice to meet you!^^ No! He's not that person. As far as I know Mr. Lewis isn't an actor. He's just friend who likes to accompany Park Si Hoo for his business trip sometimes. And they still went many places together until now. The latest event I saw he went with Park Si Hoo was Beijing trip in 2014. So happy for you to have that good memory with him. He's a nice & down to earth person, right! That's what we like about him! One of many!^^
