Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Monday, February 16, 2015

SFM 2015 : Photo from Star-HK E-Network

Uploaded by 浩楠KennyLee ( Hao Nan KennyLee) , thank you!

韓國男星朴施厚上海舉辦“永恆·愛”影迷見面會 與粉絲甜蜜相約情人節 #朴施厚# 2月13日,剛剛結束電影拍攝工作的韓國男演員朴施厚來到了上海,貼心大暖男的他特意選在了小情人節這一天,希望能與中國的粉絲零距離接觸,情人節與粉絲一同度過。 

[Entertainment network coverage] 
Korean actor Park Si Hoo held fan meeting in Shanghai, "Love & Forever" on February 13, He just finished filming his work, a South Korean actor, Park Si Hoo had come to Shanghai, intimate Megathermal He deliberately chose men in a small Valentine's Day, hoping to have a direct contact with his Chinese fans and spend Valentine's eve together with his fans. 

Credit :, thanks!

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