Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Fan's article about SFM 2015 : Chronicles of Feb 16, 2015 ( 213FM记事 ) .... Part 1

* Finally J.Ong has found this interesting article from a fan about Shanghai Fan Meeting 2015.
Let's enjoy her journey together and dream together that one day it will be ours!^^

Translation to English By J Ong, Thank you!

She separate her post into a few sections by days.

一、准备 (Day 1, Preparation)


When we received confirmation of the news on 5th of January, that very night, the 6 of us immediately booked our flight tickets and hotel accommodation while waiting for the FM tickets. I have no memory of ever have my airticket and hotel accommodation ready before I leave my home, with only having to wait for the fan meet to arrive. The last fan meet held in Japan made me unable to stay calm, thinking half my life has passed by, no matter what must grab the opportunity to attend once, moreover this is Park Si Hoo's fan meet!  Being my first fan meet, I wait with great anticipation. In fact, the organiser has yet to commence sale of tickets to the public, the days of waiting were filled with anxiety, different information always disturb my little heart.


For every day the organizer still hadn't release date of ticket sale to fan meet is a day of agony ah, saw the post by liuyan1940. She had attended 2014 Buyeo birthday fan meet, she had secretly took some soil from Park Si Hoo's family home back, now the soil has sprouted a plant! So green and loveable! Requesting from sister 40 to spare some for me to plant too. Luckily, Sister 40 is agreeable. For this period, my heart is occupied by this plant nicknamed "Money Mint". Somebody had sent a message to Park Si Hoo dear : "This Buyeo love, better than the prettiest flower on earth". To those fans who are growing Buyeo Park Si Hoo's home plant, have this intention to share the seedlings to every Park Si Hoo's fan's home, Let Buyeo love spread throughout China.


Feb 16 FM tickets are booked, countdown to meet Park Si Hoo is only 20 days, how many years younger have I returned to? My heart is filled with excitement, can't stop it. I picked up my pen to write a letter to Park Si Hoo, hoping to have a chance to deliver to him. I have made numerous trips to the airport that I am familiar with the route, but in consideration of security factor and not to miss my flight, how many hours should I leave my home earlier? Better check with my girlfriends.


Park Si Hoo arrived Shanghai on 12 Feb. But I will be flying to Shanghai on 13 Feb! My personal wish to meet him at the airport is dashed, was feeling despair for a day. Photos of Park Si Hoo's arrival at the airport came out, he was wearing black hoodie overcoat, so handsome! My despair disappeared : thinking Park Si Hoo chose to arrive early to wait for his princesses. This feeling is so great! My dears, allow me to wallow in my imagination, ha!


Feb 12 night, everyone agreed on the time and place to meet, I start packing my luggage, adjust my timer to 6am, although I know its too early for 10.35am flight, but I don't wish to be in a hurry, afraid may have some unexpected incident.

To be continue...

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