Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Jeju : Fans ran into PSH at the Hotel!

Remember this van from his Weibo?

And this vam parked in front of the Hotel

Recognized his chili red hot coat hanging inside ?

And here comes....the owner!^^

Credit :, thanks!


  1. PŠH have amazing fans and very much! I have read the following information:
    According to unofficial sources, 150 Japanese fans have joined the tour Jeju Island, together with 58 from China and elsewhere!!! Very cool!

    1. Yes, It's really amazing,isn't it!^^ I have no idea other Korean idols' fans had done something like this before! Probably! But he did twice already this year!^^

  2. Ommo, i feel pity to the fans who kept on eyeing Sihoo. It looks like they having a hide and seek or catch me if you can theme ^^ hehe.

    If i were those fans i should wait Sihoo right in front of the hotel all day 'til night.

    As what the saying goes:

    You cant catch the chicken at daytime but you will probably catch the chicken at night, for the chicken no matter how he get busy at daytime he will return to the tree where he will take the rest throughout the night. ;)

    Meaning after the busy day of our Oppa, he will probably return to the place where he can release his tiredness and that was the Hotel where he stayed. ^ ^

    1. That's exactly Chinese fans had done in Shanghai during " Scent Shooting " Jenn! The hotel lobby became their hang out from morning till night . Some fans went over there after work every single days without missing even one! It's hard to believe but that's what they did. So now we won't surprise anymore why PSH has to hide himself in the forest! hahaha!^^

  3. Haha, Well indeed that hows the popular person life goes. He must be very busy at shooting thats why it hard to catch a glimpse of him.
