Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Message from Hoo factory's facebook

* Hello all PSH fans.

We have link for you to put your comment directly to Hoo factory at their Facebook page. If you have anything to say please do it over there as a priority ( if you have facebook account ) That's the way to give Hoo direct feedback how many fans around the world they have.

Hoo's facebook is great for us because so far they are bilingual with Korean & English! So let's go over there and drop some words to show them your support and I don't think they're mind if you just want to say "I love you, Park Si Hoo! "^^

Link : HOO-factory's Facebook

후팩토리 담당자입니다.
얼마남지 않은 9월 28일일본 요코하마 팬미팅에
이어 10월 10일(북경) 12일(상해) 중국팬미팅도 진행됩니다. 
이미 많은 분들이 알고 계실텐데요^^
이에 앞서 한가지 알려드리고자 합니다. 
중국 팬미팅 공식 티켓팅은 9월 20일 부터 진행합니다.
그 이전에 구매하시는 모든 티켓은 입장이 불가하오니 추후 불이익이 없도록 주의하시기 바랍니다.

저희 후팩토리에서는 중국 팬미팅과 관련 티켓구매방법을 빠른시간내에 공지하도록 하겠습니다. 


Good afternoon, 
this is the Hoo Factory with the latest message.

The Japanese Fan Meeting in Yokohama on the 28th of September, will be followed by Chinese Fan Meetings, to be held in Beijing (10th of October) and Shanghai (12th of October).

Most fans will have heard about the Fan Meetings by now and we would like to inform the fans prior to the official ticket sales.

The official ticket sales for the Chinese Fan Meetings will start from the 20th of September.

All the tickets purchased prior to this date will not be allowed to enter the fan meetings and we ask for fans to pay specific caution to the tickets sold prior to 20th of September, to prevent any inconveniences.

The Hoo Factory will announce the methods to purchase tickets for the Chinese Fan Meetings in the very near future.

Thank you.

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