Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Monday, September 1, 2014

Hi everyone, We are back!

Yes! We're back!

Finally we have comeback to our own nest again! 
After we have helped promoting Park Si Hoo's movie "Scent "

No!  No!  No!
That doesn't mean we have nothing to report you about Scent. 

We just want to announce you that 
" Park Si Hoo....A Son of Buyeo " 
has become our main blog from now on.


We still upload everything about Scent in Scent blog


We will upload everything about PSH (but Scent) in Buyeo blog

Please keep this in mind if we don't see any interesting news then
 We won't have any post to upload for you
but in another hand if we find one we will do it as soon as possible and...
we will link you the new post via our Network : Twitter & Facebook

One more thing : 

We will come back in full swing if Park Si Hoo happens to be in front of public again.
Like we have done during his 6 cities tours. We can't call it " Live coverage " but
we can call it " 24 hours coverage "

So please keep in touch with us with any network you prefer!

* These new change will be effected as soon as 
you have finished reading this post!

~ Hope to see you around ~

Either Scent or Buyeo blogs
Our Twitter or Facebook
And our oldest sister...
Park Si Hoo in Thai/English during weekend from 7:00 pm!^^

* Please see our link at : 
" Our Buyeo's Social Networks " 
on the left hand side of the front page.
It will link you to all our networks we have.

* Thank you *

* And welcome back everyone *


  1. WELCOME BACK! I hope you are well and healthy.Thanks for everything! I hope to have many good news about PSH! Be blessed!

    1. Thank you!^^ We think we will have a little time to rest but look like Park Si Hoo's activities is never end! Our hands are full of his news again! But love it!^^
