Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Monday, April 7, 2014

Park Si Hoo's Birthday party with fans in Buyeo O4/06/2014 (2 )

Papa Park came out to greet everyone,
He's so lovely!

Park Si Hoo's grandmother

Wu Ho handed all the thristy princesses bottles of water

Would you like some ?

One lucky princess!^^

More from our world famous Buyeo pond

The house that the Parks built!

Following Park Si Hoo's scent

The Park family's land as far as you can see ( or farther^^ )

Finally, back to the hotel

With a birthday cake

Gifts from Park Si Hoo to his princesses

Rice wreath as Park Si Hoo's present from fans around the world

Where is our birthday boy ?

Wu Ho's here

Papa & Mama are here too!

Still no sign of our king of throne yet!^^

Credit :, thank you!

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