Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Friday, March 21, 2014

PSH & his fans in Xinjiang

On the news they said about 180,000 people attended the auto show on March 15 but fan 
who went there and talk to the person who in charge of the event said it's almost 400,000 people! 
We don't which one we should believe!^^ So I decided to bring some footage of the scene 
to show us what happen in Xinjiang on March 15, 2014!^^
It's a history!^^

Flower arrangement from his main fanclubs, organized by Parksihoobar


Don't know Park Si Hoo have male fans too^^

Here he comes!

Everytime I see this picture, I want to whisper to Hoo factory that they should sue 
that water company for getting free advertize out of Park Si Hoo!^^

Credit :, thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Si Hoo's appearance at the Xinjiang Auto Show has been very successful. The Chinese will cherish him more and more. Thanks for this wrap up Nikki.^^
