Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Interview : Park Si Hoo in January 2009 : Getting near one step at a time

* NK : Finally Park Si Hoo's previous interview collection is back! I think during quiet time like this is a good idea to come back and read his interview again and this is the best way to get to know who is Park Si Hoo ! I love every interviews of his! They're our treasures!^^

January 2009 : Translated by jinju, thank you!

Getting near one step at a time, <Park Sihoo> a step ahead of us from nowhere 

One day afternoon December with fierce wind blowing, I met the hero Park Sihoo of the drama ‘The Glory of the Family’ at the outdoor studio set of Ilsan Broadcasting Station. Now, the story goes about the time spent with him smiling warmly enough to overpower the chilly atmosphere outside. Written by Yim Jonghui 

Park Sihoo, getting closer to us a step at a time. 

Park Sihoo is not a big star who appeared in a day. Like one passing through the elementary, middle, high and college school, he is a next-door youngster-like actor who has slowly grown to be an adult before he is aware. Passing through a number of CFs, the theatrical play ‘The life of Twelve Coins,’ and the dramas like ‘Sassy Girl Miss Chunhyang’ ‘What Star Are you From?’ ‘Let’s Marry’ ‘How To Meet A Perfect Neighbor,’ he has broadened his domain little by little.

With clear-cut contours of the eyes, nose and lips, he has an image somewhat hard to approach. He rated himself as originally introvert and reticent, saying with a beaming face I might speak out whatever I would say, the sight of whose looks got me to feel at home. 

Happy and pleasant I am

I said “Guess you might by now be very tired?” he said “Yes, I am fatigued,” said Park Sihoo, “Taking a main character in the drama “The Glory Of The Family,” I have been in lack of sleep since excessive loads of parts and script lines I had to cover. I had to get up at 5 because of preparing for shooting. Coming home after all day’s shooting coverage, it is 3 o’clock in the morning next day. Guess every day is like this pattern, and I must say it has been tiring. So far, so good, because I am doing what I am fond of, and because I enjoy it. The people I am with are all good, and there are many fans out there who cheer for me, too. So I am still happier therewith.” From the beams of his smiles from time to time during the interview, I got an impression, although he had to be tired, he was keeping kind for fear the sight of his looks should cause his client uneasy. 

I asked “Guess you are in lack of sleep, which could cause you hard of workout, too? A few days ago, I saw the scene of your upper body bathing had a hit on the Internet news.” Park Sihoo replied “Yes it is. I originally like working out and whenever I have time I would take time to exercise. Since shooting sessions launched forth, I haven’t taken time to. Even so, in order not to get fat, I take every possible chance to walk, be on a diet and such.” As if caring for himself a little just like decent others rather than a certain manner of self-discipline, he says just causally. This sight of his serenity is, what we love just now, Park Sihoo.  

“Do you have coffee often” 

I felt a little bit awkward at his saying “No” to having coffee. Just as I wondered if I could continue to talk with him about coffee, he said, “But I have a liking.” What does this mean, when he says he doesn’t have coffee often but he has a liking?

Park Sihoo explained “I enjoy the aroma instead of the taste of coffee. At home I have an automatic coffee machine. It is not for drinking but for inhaling the aroma. In fact, I am so susceptible to caffeine I couldn’t sleep at night even at a cup. But for working, it has been of help. For, if a cup of Americano over the script, it get me to clear-minded. It is certain to help especially when overnight shooting. If I had just one cup of coffee when I have to get up early morning while tired, it gets me to quick senses, so I am the good beneficiary of the effect. After all, I have one in order that I may come to senses and get down to work.” He told me, thou not frequently drinking it, he enjoyed mild bubble-snowed Cappuccino or mild-flavored Caffe Latte rather than Espresso or Americano.  

Everyday routine of Park Sihoo resembling you.

His daily routine is no difference from us. He sees friends, goes to a movie or listens to music. He said, though now it is unleisurely in business, he likes to watch movies so that in leisurely times he watches 2~3 movies in a row at midnight. Due to weakness over hard drinks, he doesn’t touch drink while he likes to talk and play when he is with friends. 

At times, he enjoys driving in the morning, listening to music. Since very fond of listening to music, he takes no dislike to anything like pop, Korean pop and jazz, but when it is this cold winter, he goes for especially jazz, and he often listens to jazz music these days. Imagine his looks taking himself to jazz music in the aroma of coffee home after work, and it has me feel leisurely, too. 

“I heard you spent school days in the countryside?” I wanted to hear what he should say because what I heard is unlike his present looks intelligent and refined. Park Sihoo says “I have been in Buyeo up to high school. As child, I ate roasted frogs at times. The hind leg of the frog was delicious you know. (He laughs.)” To hear the memory of hind leg of the frog also happened to Park Sihoo who might have grown preciously in care of village elders, it is unexpected. 

Wishing to be still the actor Park Sihoo in 30 years. 

Looking at him who has been in his works like piling up books step by step, I wanted to be curious what kind of actor he’d like to be in the future. For, I was, as of now, curious of his future what kind of actor he ‘aspires to be,’ rather than what kind of actor he’d like to be remembered as. 
“이제야 얼굴을 알아봐주시는 분들이 조금 생긴 것 같아요. 앞으로 박시후라는 제 이름을 더 많은 분들이 알아주실 때까지 열심히 할 생각이고, 한순간의 인기보다는 오래갈 수 있는 배우가 되고 싶어요. 10년 후에도 30년 후에도 평생 연기를 하며 살아갈 수 있는 배우가 되는 게 꿈입니다.” 
Park Sihoo says, “Just of late, it seems there have began to be a few people who recognize me. I think I will keep doing my best so that more people may recognize my name. I should like to be an actor of a long endurance instead of a temporary popularity. My dream is to be an actor who can live as a performer in 10 years, in 30 years, for a life time.” 

Considering the present Park Sihoo passed through a long obscurity, he might have a lot of desire. What would be his aim? 

Park Sihoo says, “I think of it as still important to feel happiness in daily life as well as having and achieving a life objective. Starting from theatrical play, I have been in obscurity for 10 years. The motive that carried me on for all the while was because I had had a clear life purpose that acting is my calling. Meeting a work and living in there as another character not me, I saw the work finding its way to perfection and I waited and prepared for another. All the process itself, doing acting that I like is my delight. And for the family supporting me most by the side when I returns to daily life, I always feel thanks and happiness.”

Credit :, thank you!


  1. Multumesc Nikki ! Eu in 2009 nu stiam nimic de serialele coreene ! De Si Hoo nici atat ! Acum citind acest interviu
    si vazand si alte interviuri imi dau seama ca Si Hoo este neschimbat ! Imi pare atat de rau ca cariera lui a stagnat
    un an ! Imi doresc tare mult ,sa-l vad iar pe val cat mai repede !

    1. We are the same, Nicoleta! We really miss him. We knew him & love him from K-drama and that is the best place for us to enjoy watching him. Reality is tough and his is tougher than any K-actors we knew. Many of them rises on top until they can't go any farther. PSH's career took a lot of obstacles, big one & small one! We learn a lot from him and we saw with our eyes that he's getting stronger and wiser now! And one day he will be back again in K-world, they can't take him away from us too long!

  2. HI Nikki, Thanks for the post. I like to read PSH old interviews and relate what he said to the present. And also discovering new things about him. I dont think I read this this interview before... and that he enjoys the aroma instead of taste of coffee....that's news to me. Interesting way of enjoying coffee..haha. I also enjoy coffee....but I prefer 'chinese' coffee to 'western' coffee....hehe.
    BTW, I just read that Lee Jun Ki is considering the main lead for TJS. Many fans were cheering for PSH to be offered this role. May be there's still some hope for this to happen...I believe that if it meant for PSH, God will pave the way for him. If not, I will wait patiently with PSH for the next work..fighting! Yes, I believe he will be back again in the K-world sooner or later...praying for sooner.
