Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

A story from Chinese fan in Xinjiang, China

Her name in weibo is " 小许爱围脖  "

I love to read the story from his fan, none of us is professional or excellent writer 
but every stories come from our hearts. Hope you will like it as much as I do!^^

" When   小许爱围脖   met Park Si Hoo in Xinjiang "

I had imagined to do many things with you :To shake hands with you, say we love you forever ,
give a present to you personally, get a signature of you... You know we were right outside the door while you had the first dinner in the hotel, seeing you entering and leaving!

At last, before your leaving, I take the courage to ask the manager to give the present to you. 
Have you got the Chinese painting I gave you as a birthday present that evening? 
It has been especially drawn for you. 
The ripe fruit in it stands for your excellent works as an actor

At last I will say " Thank you for coming to Xing jiang, giving all the fans of you here a feast 
beyond our expectation. We will be your followers as long as your acting life. 
I remember once you said you'll be an actor all life long, 
and we'll be your audiance till then!"

Credit :, thanks!


  1. Thank you, Nikki, for this story. 小许爱围脖 is a true fan of Park Si Hoo with a big heart!

    1. You're welcome! I think most of us are and you too! When the opportunity comes to us I believe most of us will do the same thing like she did. We want to do our best for him without recieving anything in return! It's just not our chance yet! Something about him that makes us love him deeply beyond just actor & fan. It's hard to explain, you know what I mean!^^

  2. Frumoasa povestea acestui fan fericit ! Multumesc Nikki !

    1. You're welcome, Nicoleta! Hope you doing okay? Miss you!
