Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Thursday, March 20, 2014

A funny story in Xinjiang from a Chinafan^^~ㅎㅎㅎ

Photos credits and thanks to Chinafan in Weibo and Story to 守厚星花生 in Baidu.
Source credits and thanks to Nikki.

Written originally by :: 守厚星花生

On the 15th afternoon, while I was free, I went to a local famous Grand Bazaar, where I saw a very beautiful Xinjiang floral hat so I bought on intention to present it to SIHOO upon an opportunity.
That night while everyone was in the hotel lobby waiting for SIHOO to return to the hotel, there was a family of a father, a mother and a daughter. The father was very handsome, the mother was very beautiful and their only daughter who was a third grade student was especially a cute little girl. Her mother and daughter are SIHOO’s fans so the family of three waited with us together with other fans. The father went out search and look for a present for her daughter to present it to SIHOO but unfortunately the night was too late so all the shops outside were closed as I overheard the father's lamenting words that it's impossible even tobuy chives.(*ㅎㅎㅎ)

Xin Jiang's Floral Hat 

I learned from the driver that they would be back very late so I asked the little girl if she wanted to go home first but she was reluctant to do anything and continue practicing with her mother how to say Oppa, saranghaeyo (I love you), so I took out the flower hat which I had intended to give to SIHOO and showed the little girl that she can give the hat to Oppa when she sees him and also reminded her to tell him saranghaeyo.(I love you)

Finally SIHOO’s car arrived at the hotel, the little girl ran up quickly but forgotten the hat, so I handed the hat to the little girl just as SIHOO walked right into the lobby, he stood in front of the little girl when she gave him the hat, SIHOO looked very happy and without hesitating, he plopped the hat on his head at once and then proceed to be seen wearing that hat from the lobby into the elevator, until the elevator door closed, without removing the hat at all but I really doubt he wore the hat all the way back to his room. It was such a super hilarious scene and fortunately I wasn’t drinking any water or else I would certainly spit out my whole mouthful of water cause I didn’t expect such scenarios from a grown up man.

Translated in English with my warmest support and love for Sihoo Oppa by Mei Park.

*impossible even to buy chives is a local Chinese proverbs meaning impossible even to buy the most
easiest and available things around.

credit : mei park @ SHR, thanks!

Picture from DC , thank you!

Credit :, thank you!


  1. Multumesc Nikki pentru postare ! Pe mine nu m-a mirat gestul , il recunosc in acesta ! Chiar ma gandeam
    aseara la el si nu-l vad prea schimbat peste 10 ani sa zicem ! El ramane in timp tot barbat-copil datorita
    genei cu care s-a nascut !

    1. Hi Nicoleta, Yes, he is forever young and sometimes he even looks younger. He is king of reversal!^^

  2. Super cute scene! He is very playful. Thanks Nikki for this post!

    1. You're welcome! Lovely story about a litle girl & a little big boy!^^
