Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Monday, January 27, 2014

PSH : His announcement on Sina China to his Chinese fans

News updates credits and thanks to Mr. Rayn Lui, 
Sihoo Oppa's China Public Relation Manager.
from his Sina Weibo. 


Translated to English::
Park Si Hoo announced his gratitude to China movie producers and directors: Since 13th of December 2013 , it’s his first debut in collaboration with the China movie production team, to make his comeback in the movie "Scent." The strong support and dedicated care from the China's producers and his Chinese fans was deeply felt so this trip to China went very well. He will now return to Korea to celebrate the Lunar New Year and will continue to complete his filming in South Korea .As it is his concern for Chinese fans' health, as well as taking into account the observation of traditional Chinese customs and massive traffic in transportations, it’s decided that tomorrow , his fans are encouraged try not to send him off. He hope we can celebrate a Happy Lunar New Year and he will make every effort to capture the best segment of his first appearance in China movie production, and he will meet with all of us as soon as possible again, and finally he is very grateful for everyone’s support and encouragement. He will be looking forward to see us all again after the Lunar New Year!!

Credit : mei, thank you!

1 comment:

  1. I don't think Si Hoo's wish will be granted. No way the Chinese fans will let him leave in silence.
    Thanks for sharing Nikki.^^
