Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

ENISHI Interview : Birthday interview

My way to celebrate Park Si Hoo birthday with his fans...Interview!^^

By skkg, thank you!

Q ☆ If you were born again, which is better men or women? 
If you were born as a woman, what would you like to do? 

A :: ♡ Even if I were born again, I still want to be born as a man. 
I have never imagined being born as a woman. 
But if I was born again, I would like to study hard once .... ^^ 

Q ☆ When you were young, what was your dream? Do you remember? 

A :: ♡  It was vague since I was a child, but I thought I wanted to be an actor. 
It was also vague, but I had the confidence to succeed as an actor. 
If you believe in yourself and push yourself into it that make me where I am now.


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