Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

MGL Press : Scoops of the interview!

There were more than 50 news reported about this event!

I tried to gather all informations I can get and bring them here!

Yes, not easy but... I want to know too!^^

Thanks to all Korean news 
that I took some part of the interview here
Impossible to credit them all!

*( Photos,  I just random picked the one that will match with the parts! )

** (This one from English news, so the contains' quite accurate!^^)

🌹   🌹   🌹

Okay, First let's read Park Si Hoo's apology speech, first!

Park Si Hoo said,

 “I am more nervous today than I have been at other press conferences. 
It’s been a year since my last project, ‘Neighborhood Hero’ and has been six years 
since [my last] KBS drama ‘Princess’ Man.’ It’s an honor to be part of a great project 
through KBS and, although a lot of time has passed, I would like to sincerely apologize 
for any anxiety and inconveniences I personally caused .

He continued,
 “I will work hard on the drama as to not become an imposition 
to our director, writer, and viewers who believed in me .

Next let see the questions/interesting parts from the medias ;

1. Q : His comeback after 5 years ?

PSH : "It is very burdensome, and I had a terrible sleep last night. 
I prepared a greeting script in advance, but when I came to the stage, 
I became blank and I could not remember it. "I'm still nervous and trembling," 

He said...
I looked forward to work at a terrestrial work for a long time, 
I will show you as an actor with a deeper feeling than any of my previous works. " 

He said....
"I would like you to look at me warmly after I'm back in five years."

~ The reason behind Park Si Hoo's appearance in this drama :

According to the official site, 
the appearance of Park Sihoo's ‘My Golden Life' was possible 
because there was an active love call by 
So Hyung Kyung and Park Hyun Kyung*
 (Have no idea who this person is?),
 Who appreciates Park Si Hoo's performance, have conveyed his endless faith 
and Park Sihoo is also in the back door of his decision to cast a big courage.

Q : Role of Choi Do Kyung ?

Park Si Hoo said, "My role is a Chaebol, the 3rd generation of HaeSeong Group. 
He is a perfectionist, but he is a character with many gaps. Different from most Chaebols 
that appeared on TV before and I will try to match this distinctive character. 
The teamwork with the actors is good and the atmosphere is very good.
 It would be nice if the audiences could feel that kind of energy. "

Question for PD Kim

Q : Casting Park Si Hoo ?

Kim PD said,

 "I thought it was the best cast when I watched the script, 
and I'm trying to make the role of Choi Do Kyung myself 
and I am trying very hard so that we can make the viewers enjoy it. "

Questions for Shin Hye Sun

Q.  First leading role ?

SNS said...

"It becomes tension. If there is no burden, I would lie. 
However, any work has a burden, and there is a desire to do well.
 Inevitably, this time there is more greed and more burden. 
I'm trying so hard to do it. "

Q.  : Acting together between both of them?

Park Si Hoo said, 

"When I saw her previous work, she looked like a cold person, 
but when I met her and acted with her, I was surprised and feel more comfortable."

 “We ate rice together. She was skinny, so I tried on my diet very hard, 
but she can take half of the rice from her manager. 
I think we will come out with a good work 
because we feel friendly, comfortably, and well alike at each other. " 

Shin Hye Sun  said...

About 'the airborne poster' Shin Hye Sun said, “We shot at Yangpyeong, 
and I had a meal with Park Si Hoo at the restaurant. The food is delicious, 
but my manager left his rice. So I shoveled them all up, 

About Park Si Hoo, SNS said,

" He’s gentle. 
My first shot with him, I felt a gentleman-like and comical character in him. 
It was comfortable since the first shot and the acting went well. "

Lee Tae Hwan talked about Park Si Hoo, Shin Hye Sun, and Seo Eun Su ...

"Park Si Hoo laughed and greeted me first, 
and he's very attractive person to me 
because he is gentle and tolerant.” 

Shin Hye Sun, we hadn't met each other after a long time since "King of High School".

Seo Eun Su is similar in character and real personality. 

That's all I can find for you, it will be many more that I missed!

Like Park Si Hoo always said, I will try or tried my best!^^

Thank you!

Let's end with rice bowl for both of them!^^

🍚  πŸš  πŸš  πŸš  πŸš

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