Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Monday, April 6, 2015

News : Park Si Hoo held Birthday fan meeting, a sign of his return locally?

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 Park Si Hoo held fan meeting birthday.

Actor Park Shi Hoo occasion birthday, and fans were a special time.
On the afternoon of April 3, Park Si Hoo had held a fan meeting in Seoul to celebrate his birthday party with fans.
Day scene, not only domestic as well as Japan, China, etc. More than 500 fans gathered around the room, more proof of the status of Korean stars.

Before meeting with fans Park Shi Hoo has an interview with y - star : "Always feel very grateful that today go to great lengths to look for a beautiful memories with my fans and be able to continue to work hard and to express emotion."

Park Shi Hoo on birthday, said: " Fans' love and laughter, he wanted to accept it as a gift. "

Birthday will meet fans ready to make Park Si Hoo moved. Close contact with each of his fans, and every intimate greeting fans and the servise for fans, to show the fans a memorable memories.

In addition, in January of this year in Japan, various singles charts album title song "You", with fluent Japanese concert attracted people's attention.

Park Si Hoo, said:. "So much to look forward to, but love you very much, very grateful, very happy" feelings. " It really made a warm atmosphere inside.

Then he went on to say: " You must maintain a healthy look, but also hope to give you a lot more to cheer in the future.

In addition, Park Si Hoo in the first half of this year, the upcoming Korean cooperation movie 
" Miss love."

[Copyrights ⓒ Y-STAR & YTN PLUS, 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지]


2015年4月6日 14:04 阅读128

 与粉丝们见面之前朴施厚在y - star的采访中表示:“总是感到非常感激,今天要竭尽全力以帅气的模样与大家制造美好的回忆,并能够继续努力工作而表达了激动的心情。”






[Copyrights ⓒ Y-STAR & YTN PLUS, 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지]

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