Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Friday, December 19, 2014

New photo : After love : 2014/12/19 ....Part # 7 (Strolling around town)

Want to share the words from fan who was there to see him

Written by @grapes朴, thank you!

中午饭都没吃就奔到后海,终于看见偶吧@朴施厚 了:瘦瘦的,小细腿,脸小的只有巴掌大,白白的皮肤,灿烂的笑容。这些虽然都已经描述过了无数次,可就是震撼 就是帅 就是让人看不够。我站在那里两个小时基本被冻透了,可是当偶吧看见我跟我招手时,突然涌出一阵暖流,太温暖了。偶吧你是值得我爱的人!

Didn't have time to eat lunch after I ran into the sea of crown, and finally saw Park Si Hoo : 
So thin, small spindly legs, face only as small as palm-sized, white skin, bright smile. 
Although these have been described numerous times, but just shocking is he looks so handsome. I stood there two hours basically had been frozen through all the way, 
but when I saw he waved this hand to me, 
All the sudden the gush burst of warm, too warm. Even now you are worthy, my love!

Credit :, thanks!

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