Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Thursday, May 1, 2014

PSH's letter to his fans at his Birthday party : 04/06/2014

This is the translation that we found it in one Chinese fan's article who so generous to share it with us from her post. So it can't be as perfect as the original letter from Park Si Hoo himself and the translation will appeared as a person told us what he said or refer to Park Si Hoo as the third person as you will see.

And I would like to thank our friend, Mei Park for translating this letters into English for us!

* At the party ....

she ( The author ) couldn't understand why Park Si Hoo's eyes were red with tears and the rest of his fans kept wiping their tears (must be the Korean fans) and later realised that it was Park Si Hoo's letter that he read in Korean which resulted to such a sadness atmosphere in the whole ballroom. After reading his letter, with the encouragement of everyone, he then fondly sang "I Love You"  song to express his love and gratitude to everyone's support and love. Below is what she wanted to share the transcript of Park Si Hoo's letter with us ::

Letter from Park Si Hoo who read it out for his fans at his birthday party on April 6, 2014 :

( * Chinese fan like to call him " Hoo Hoo )

"HOO HOO said he was hurt, but perhaps we were more hurt than he was and he spent a lot of sleepless nights, he was deeply sorry , and thank us all for believing him and waited for him . HOO HOO can't explain how really deeply painful it was that in those days when he and us (his fans) can't get to meet and speak to each other. Extremely and excruciating painful , a lot of tears was shed , suffered deeply from the hurt , but the most painful than anything is to get everyone (his fans) hurt. But he said he will not apologise to everyone ,instead he should take a new approach with a cheerful attitude, smile, more importantly, as an actor Park Shi Hoo to face everyone . And he said that when he first returned to work, the scene at the airport and photographs to show that everyone was very happy , was very special to him. Finally, HOO HOO said recently he and everyone are enjoying the mutual feeling of love , he said he is the type who is once in love, he will remained everlasting , so he would love it if we will always be in love together forever. He said he hope next year to have more opportunity to meet us (his fans) and he will work hard , and believe that we always will support him , waiting for him. Finally, he said he wanted to tell everyone that we are his inspiration , as well as a blessing to him , and he loves us. "

in Chinese :


Credit :, thank you!


  1. Thanks for sharing this letter here Nikki.

    1. Your welcome, Wilma! Besides this letter she wrote many interesting thing about the event in her point of view. And as 74 years old teacher, definately, she knows how to write!^^ I will upload the photos and her story for us here soon, I just love her story!^^

  2. I hope this confession was a catharsis of all Park Si Hoo’s heavy emotions, which blocked his energy and weighted his heart and from that moment, he truly let them go and made peace with himself. Thanks for sharing Nikki.

    1. I hope the same thing, Daniela! One sight that show he will let it go when he said he won't say apologize to us anymore, that doesn't mean he ready to move on ? And we should follow him and let all the pain go away. We can't forget it but we can leave it behind. No more tear just be happy and wish for the better in future for him and for all of us!^^
