Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

PSH - Instagram : 대본 삼매경 (Engrossed in the script) ~ 2017.09.26

Posted by park_si_hoo_01 , thank you!

대본 삼매경~😁😁😁😘😘
*Engrossed in the script ...~😁😁😁😘😘

We tried to analyze the meaning of his words

" 대본 삼매경 "

" 대본 " means " Script "

But the one that's not easy to translate is...


Anyway finally we got the best explanation on the internet..

Thanks to our friend, Susan who did a research for us!

 In Buddhism, 삼매경(三昧境) is originated from 범어(梵語, Sanskrit), 
meaning the state that the mind is not moving so that there is no think in mind.
(the perfect state of spiritual concentration.)

삼매(三昧) is the state where someone is in spiritual concentration 
so that he is enough to forget three kinds of things: 

1) forgetting surroundings while calling out the (Buddhist) Goddess of Mercy 
2) forgetting himself calling out the (Buddhist) Goddess of Mercy.
3) forgetting itself, the behavior (and the thought) calling out the (Buddhist) 
Goddess of Mercy, with the perfect state of spiritual concentration, 
while calling out the (Buddhist) Goddess of Mercy.


After understand this words, I decided to stick with " Engrossed in the script "
It's easy to understand if some fans don't need to look through the deep meaning of it.
But for you who read this paragraph, you know it's a really deep meaning that
Park Si Hoo tried to tell us how he feels right now with his work 
and the script he has in his hand.

Credit : Park Si Hoo, thank you!

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