Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Park Si Hoo is a part of our lives!

At first I want to share you more photo of this lovely family with Park Si Hoo.
But when I started looking through her pictures she uploaded in her IG.
It just hit me that how much Park Si Hoo had become an important part of our lives.
And It's not just her...I believe many of us as well!

I'm not lucky enough to have pictures up-close like she had but we can't deny 
how much he can make us happy when we see his new pictures pop-up 
after we turned on our computer or phone in the morning!^^

Now let's take a look what pictures she had that remind us about ourselves

Sihooheart & her family^^

Collage pictures she created for him

A link to watch her short VDO that you can hear Park Si Hoo's singing beautifully : 

And pictures from the VDO probably at Tower Record in Japan

Her personal items 

Tea time (or Coffee time) with Park Si Hoo 

He is her flower too

Another way to show her support for her beloved actor

I'm sure her love to Park Si Hoo isn't more or less than many of us.
We opened our heart & accept him to be a part of our lives.

Sometimes we may ask ourselves why it has to be him ?
For all these years that we never care any other actors before...
I don't have the answer for you either.
But I know the certain thing is ... it must be him, no one else!^^

Thank you sihooheart for sharing your beautiful family's pictures with us!^^

Credit :, thank you!

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