Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

KWAVE Magazine interview : Questions for Park Si Hoo...Part 1

In our previous post we had mentioned before that the Chinese magazine " KWAVE "
who will conduct the interview with Park Si Hoo had invited Baidu's members to send 
their questions to ask Park Si Hoo.

So many questions were submitted only we have no idea what questions will be selected.

So we had brought some questions ( not all ) for you to read.

" What will be your question if you had a chance to ask Park Si Hoo ?^^ "

Translated by J.Ong, thank you!

First , let's read the rules!

跟帖提问格式】part 1


例 (example)

Question: When will Hoo Hoo visit China again?

Note: Please be considerate in your questions to post. The content must not focus on personal matters, gossips. To pose simple question. Do not repeat questions that has been posted previously. Unique questions get higher chance of being selected!

Here comes the questions, enjoy!

1. 问题:会不会来中国定居?
Question: Will you stay in China permanently?

2. 问题:扶余的新房子设计的非常别致漂亮,请问设计的理念是什么?
Question: The design of Buyeo house is beautiful & special, what is the idea behind this design?

3. 问题:厚现实生活中是个什么样的人?
Question: What is Hoo like in real life?

4. 问题:厚什么时候会在长沙或广州开粉丝会?
Question: When will Hoo hold a fan meet at Guangzhou or Changsha?

5. 问题:太爱厚厚了,想知道他可不可以和粉丝在某个平台定期的进行互动,或是偶尔冒泡给大家惊喜。
Question: Love Hoo Hoo lots, want to know if he can arrange a joint activity with the fans on a regular schedule or occasionally spring a surprise to us.

6. 问题:厚厚你已来过中国的北京和上海,你对这两座城市印象最深刻的是什么?
Question: Hoo Hoo, you have been to Beijing & Shanghai, what is your deepest impression of these 2 cities?

7. 问题:厚厚你每次的公开场合的着装都是那么帅气让人着迷,特别是机场秀充满时尚感,总是让一大片妹子疯狂,这些都是造型师为你搭配的么,还是你自己的穿衣心得?你对时尚怎么理解?
Question: Hoo Hoo, you are always seen fashionably attired in public, so handsome and charming, especially the attire u wore at the airport, often caused many ladies to swoon. Are these arranged by your image advisor  or its your personal fashion style? What is your understanding in fashion?

8. 问题:厚厚你平时最喜欢的休闲方式是什么?你喜欢热闹还是喜欢安静的环境?
Question: Hoo Hoo, what do you normally love to do during your rest days? Do u like bustling or quiet environment?

9. 问题:厚厚,喜欢什么颜色的衣服?
Question: Hoo Hoo, what is your favorite colored attire?

10. 问题:厚厚很喜欢戴帽子,请问最爱哪种款式?为什么这么爱戴帽子?
Question: Hoo Hoo likes to wear a hat, may I ask which hat style is your favourite? Why do u like to wear a hat?

11. 问题:厚厚喜欢看哪种类型的书,最爱哪本书?喜欢谁的音乐,喜欢哪些歌?
Question: What type of books does Hoo Hoo likes to read, which book is his favourite? Whose music does he like to listen, which song?

12. 问题:厚厚什么时间会再来中国哪个城市开FM
Question: Hoo Hoo, when and where will u hold a fan meet in China again?

13. 我想问厚厚喜欢什么样的女性,有喜欢的目标吗?
I also want to ask Hoo Hoo what type of girl he likes, does he have someone in mind already?

14. 问题:再有机会敢不敢挑战《遇见完美邻居的方法》里的歌曲《脚崴了?》
Question: if given the chance dare to take the challenge in the song of ((Meet Perfect Neighbor methods)) titled ((Foot Sprain))?

15. 问题:希望能在微博上时常看到厚厚的消息,因为看到你,我们心就踏实了!
Question: wish to see more news updates of Hoo Hoo on weibo. Because when we see u, we feel at ease. 

16. 问题:厚厚微博是自己管理、还是团队管理?能否看懂中粉的留言?
Question: Is Hoo Hoo's weibo account managed by himself or managed by his management team? Do they understand the Chinese messages left by Chinese fans?

17. 问题:这次新剧《社区英雄》施厚君会有爱情的纠结吗?
Question: Will there be some love triangle plot in the latest drama "Neighbourhood Hero"?

18. 想问厚厚,中文有进步吗?能听懂多少?
Want to ask Hoo Hoo, has your Chinese language improved? How much do u understand?

Do u know why Chinese fans call u Hoo Hoo? Whenever we see u log on weibo, r u reading our messages?

20. 问题:爱后爱什么时候上映?
Question: when will "Love After Love" be screened?

Question: Every time, Mr Sihoo visit China or attend Chinese fan activities, the atmosphere will be very lively and chaotic, is Sihoo used to it?

Credit :, thank you!

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