Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Monday, August 24, 2015

Breaking News : Park si Hoo's new drama for OCN (cable channel for movie) will air at the beginning of next year

A big great news, everyone!

Park Si Hoo will play in a drama on cable TV!

Translated by Julie, thank you!

OCN (cable channel for movie) will air Park Si Hoo's NEW drama 
at the beginning of next year
The tentative title is 동네의 영웅 (meaning " Hero in town)
Park Si Hoo's role is ex-spy agent who is running bar (pub) in town 
hiding his past as spy agent

The shooting will start from September and will be aired next year

Link :

박시후, OCN '동네의 영웅' 주연 확정..3년만의 컴백

머니투데이 스타뉴스 김현록 기자|입력 : 2015.08.24 14:49|조회 : 74      

박시후 / 사진제공=소속사

배우 박시후가 OCN '동네의 영웅' 출연을 확정하고 '추노' 곽정환 감독과 손잡는다. 

24일 OCN은 곽정환 감독 차기작으로 벌써부터 높은 관심을 받고 있는 OCN '동네의 영웅'(극본 김관후·연출 곽정환, 제작 스타제이엔터테인먼트) 주인공에 박시후를 캐스팅했다고 확정 발표했다.  
'동네의 영웅'은 오는 9월 크랭크인에 들어가, 내년 초 선보일 예정이다. 박시후로서는 2013년 '청담동 앨리스' 이후 3년 만의 국내 드라마 컴백이다.
'동네의 영웅'은 tvN '빠스껫볼', KBS '추노', '한성별곡' 등 대작을 연출해온 곽정환 감독이 오랜기간 기획한 작품으로, 상처받은 전직 블랙요원이 경찰을 꿈꾸는 비정규직 청년을 만나 그를 비밀요원으로 성장시키며 악에 맞서 싸우는 생활밀착형 첩보 드라마다.
박시후는 전직 비밀요원 백시윤으로 분해, 동네 영웅으로 매력을 뽐낼 예정이다. 고도로 훈련된 인간병기이자 전직 블랙요원이었던 백시윤’은 한물간 유흥가의 술집 'Bar 이웃'을 인수해 운영하며 과거를 숨기고 살아간다. 술집에 드나드는 동네 이웃들과 어느새 가족이 되어 가는 시윤은 이웃들의 아픔과 사회적 외면에 공감하게 되며, 그들의 삶 속으로 깊숙이 들어간다. 그러면서 마주하는 부조리한 악에 맞서며 동네 영웅이 되어간다. 

'동네의 영웅'을 담당하고 있는 신대식PD는 "'동네의 영웅'은 첩보를 소재로 하고 있지만, 그 속에서 펼쳐지는 이야기는 결국 ‘가족’과 우리 이웃들의 진솔한 '삶'"이라며 "우리 주변에서 일어날 수 있는 이야기들로 누구나 공감할 수 있는 드라마가 될 것"이라고 기대감을 드러냈다. 이어 "박시후는 전직 비밀요원인 백시윤의 캐릭터에 잘 부합하는 인물로 생각돼 캐스팅하게 됐다. 이웃들의 영웅이 되어가는 과정들이 재미와 감동을 선사할 예정"이라고 전했다. 

credit :, thank you!
credit :, thank you!


  1. This is fantastic news ! So happy for PSH .
    Thank you Nikki and Julie for sharing this wonderful news. PSH fighting !

    1. You're welcome! We are so happy as everyone else!^^

  2. Very I waited for this news! I spent a lot of time with anxiety! But now I am very happy! This is beautiful !!!!!!!!!

    1. Yes, waiting is beautiful when we no longer have to wait!^^

  3. Oops ! Thank you to LookMoo too for posting this good news . My apologies for the omission....was too excited and happy from reading the good news !

    1. Don't worry, Lookmoo is too happy tonight! She is overwhelming with joy now! I'm wonder PSH's fans can sleep tonight!^^


  4. Thank you! Oh my God, what a great news! How did I happy for this beautiful, talented actor Park Si Hoo!

    1. You're no different from all of us here, Grete!^^ Welcome to Park Si Hoo's world or you're already in!^^

    2. Thank you so much, Nikki! I really love Your site. He's such a cozy,beautiful, very available for us users. And You and your colleagues work a lot, so we always saw a lot of interesting information about PSH, a lot of different photos.

    3. You're very welcome, Grete! Our work comes from our hearts. We love him as much as all of you. We became friends because of this one particular actor and we want to support him as much as we can and help his fans be happy as we are!^^

  5. What awesome awesome awesome news. I’m so happy and grateful that finally Park Si Hoo chose a project for his comeback in k-ent and I know that he waited a worthy one so I trust blindly in his choice, thank goodness.
    Thank you Nikki, Lookmoo & team for promptitude, I just come home from work and I said to myself let visit the blog one more time for today and I'm glad I did it. This news fills my heart with gladness.

    1. That moment of yours is the same as I was this morning when I just woke up! I didn't expect anything at all. Like another day during this 2-3 months, just slowly clicked on the blog to check as my routine. And I can't believe my eyes when I saw the post Lookmoo already set for me to check one more time before it will be published!

      Read the article but still didn't get it! Hahaha! Until I clicked to read the full article! Huh! This's ture! Or google played trick on me again until I saw Julie translated it so I knew it must be true & accurate!^^ All of us had this moment today, and as I said many times, we just have to trust him. He will never leave us, he will pay us back what he knew his fans wanted the most! Our prayer is working, Daniela! Let's pray more for his bright future in 2016 and for his new movie " After Love " in this 2015 too!
