Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Scent : Before he kisses....

Uploaded by 映画『君の香り, thank you!

First time I noticed that smile!^^

credit : Credit映画『君の香り thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Park Si Hoo’s acting is subtle, complex and detailed, that’s why watching his works many times never get boring, we always discover something new, a smile, an expression, a gesture that we think we never saw before. The smile before kiss he played in Prosecutor Princess and was very liked by Chinese lady viewers, which declared that they contracted “Seobyon” disease. I think he do the same in Scent, this time in other tinge, knowing it will enchant the viewers and they will contract “Injoon” disease too.
