Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Ystarsnews : Aman who captivated many hearts at the center of acttraction! Sihoo was departing for Japan.

'훈남의 정석' 박시후, 팬미팅 위해 출국 '잘다녀올게요~!'
Park Si Hoo the 'Art of Seduction' man , 'Bon Voyage!' May your fan meeting goes well!

Translation to English By Mei Park, Thank you!!

한중일을 사로잡은 남자 한류의 중심! 박시후가 일본으로 출국했습니다.
11월 4일 오후 인천공항은 박시후의 출국을 배웅하기 위한 팬들로 북적였는데요.
그 때! 멀리서도 느껴지는 훈남의 포스와 함께 박시후가 모습을 보였습니다.
캐주얼한 올블랙 패션에 페도라 선글라스 백팩으로 공항패션을 완성한 박시후
팬들과 인사를 주고받으며 공항으로 걸음을 옮겼는데요.

The Korean man who captivated many hearts at the center of acttraction! Sihoo was departing for Japan. 
November 4th, Incheon airport was crowded with Sihoo fans to see him off.
At that time! From a distance the appearance of Sihoo was well in full force. 
Casually in all black with fashionable sunglasses and backpack completed Park Si Hoo’s airport fashion. 
Receiving greetings from his fans while making his move towards the airport.

[현장음:박시후]   [Scenes captions: Park Si Hoo]

Q :: Reporter A :: Park Si Hoo

Q)오늘 어디가세요?
Q)Where are you going today?

A)오늘 일본에 가고 있어요 일본 팬 여러분들 만나러요
A)Today I'm going to Japan to meet my Japanese fans.

박시후의 이번 출국은 일본 나고야에서 있을 팬미팅을 위함이었습니다.
Park Si Hoo was intending to depart for Nagoya, Japan for a fan meeting.

팬미팅마다 팬들을 위해 특별한 무언가를 준비하는 이 남자, 이번 팬미팅 역시 따로 준비한 게 있다고 하는데요.
He is man who always prepare something special for his fans in every fan meetings.
This time, he must also have prepared a separate agenda for his fan meeting

[Scenes caption: Park Si Hoo]

Q) 팬미팅 위해서 특별히 준비하신 게 있으신가요?
Q) Do you have something you have prepared specially for the fan meeting?

(Park Si Hoo)
A) 특별히 준비한 거요? 그냥 간단한 노래와 율동 하하하하
A) Special preparation? Just simple songs with rhythm ha ha ha ha

[Scenes Caption: Park Si Hoo]

Q) 팬들을 위해 요리를 준비했다고?
Q) Are you getting ready to cook for fans?

(Park Si Hoo)
A) 조금 준비를 했습니다
A) I’ve prepared a little bit.

[Scenes Caption: Park Si Hoo]

Q) 본인 아이디어에요?
Q) Is it your own idea?

(Park Si Hoo)
A) 그럼요
A) Of course.

[Scenes Caption: Park Si Hoo]

Q) 살짝 공개를 해주신다면?
Q) Would you like the public to have a glimpse?

(Park Si Hoo) 
A) 제가 예전에 혼자 살 때 자주 해먹던 음식?
A) I was often eating alone while living alone in the past? 

박시후표 요리는 어떤 맛일까,벌써부터 팬들의 기대가 모이고 있는데요.
Park Si Hoo’s any flavour of table cooking is already well received by the expectations of his fans.

[Scenes Caption: Park Si Hoo]

잘 다녀올게요~
Well, bye~

지난 8월 중국에서 개봉한 중국영화 [향기]를 통해 한류스타로서의 입지를 확고히 한 박시후! 이번 팬미팅을 통해 일본팬들과의 사랑도 더욱 돈독해지길 응원하겠습니다.

His Chinese movie [Scent] was released last August , Park Si Hoo cemented his position as a Hallyu star through China! We will support him for strengthening his love with his Japanese fans through this fan meeting.

credit :ystarnews, thanks! 

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