Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

PSH - Instagram : Where is Jian?! 2017.11.14

Posted by park_si_hoo_01, thank you!

지안이 어디있을까...!😟
Where is Jian...! 😟



  1. So handsome.
    He really gives justice to the role of a chaebol. He is perfect for the role. He nails it. So convincing.

    1. Not many actors got a role as Chaebol as much as 4th time like Park Si Hoo. And as early as a rookie in Perfect Neighbor. So his appearance must be the 1st choice for writer or PD to pick who fit for Chaebol role. But they didn't realize this actor had more potential beyond his look! Hahahaha! He used to say, " it doesn't matter how many times he got to act as Chaebol ( reporter concerned he will get a type cast as Chaebol) because he can make each of them totally different." Now, we knows he didn't just say it but he did it and did it very well too. Being so handsome as he is, we consider a bonus for viewers to enjoy this good looking chaebol!^^
