Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

MGL Press. : Park Si Hoo # 9

We will end this marathon pictures with our one & only Park Si Hoo here!

Anything more (Video, articles) will be posted later & tomorrow!

I feel kind of bitter sweet today!

But as they said...Medicine's always bitter, 
then hurry, take it, and get over with it!^^

We love you, Park Si Hoo!

His unique gesture!^^

Credit :, thank you!


  1. Hello Nikki ! Thank you very much for posting all the lovely pics. It must have been very late at night in the USA at the time of the MGL press conference in Korea. Really appreciate your effort to share the news and pics asap to all PSH fans ! Hope you have a good rest after this marathon session !

    1. You're welcome, SueLynn! And thank you so much to understand my tireless work here! Hahaha! Hard to stop looking at his picture after it started pouring in on the news! Can you?^^ I went to bed around 12:30 am and got up at 4:30 am! I will be fine but it likes a warning to me what I will do when the drama start at 4:00 am (my time) But for sure I won't let you guys watch it live before me! Hahahaha! Just go to bed early and get up at 3:45 am! Only PSH can make my life difficult right this! But what I can do about it? Hahahaha!
