Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Friday, September 25, 2015

TPM OST & Photos : Vola...Fly

Link :

Remember this song is an Italian song and because Park Si Hoo just visited Italy.
I think it's appropriate to bring another connection between him, his Italian fans 
and all of us through this beautiful song " Vola " from his classic drama
 " The Princess' Man ", enjoy!^^

( Please click the red arrow to listen to the music )

Vola - Background music TPM an italian song

Translation by Lilyrose, thank you!

Vola lassù
Fly up there

Vola lontano a te
Fly far from you

Sola tua voce che mi fa sentir libera
Only your voice makes me feel free

Solo le tue carezze che mi fanno esistere a qui
Only your caresses make me exist here

Mi fan sentir, mi fan veder, mi fan parlar...vera
They make me feel, they make me see, they make me speak...true

Non sento piu, non vedo piu, non parlo più...mai
I don't feel(or hear) anymore, I don't see anymore, I don't speak anymore...ever

Non dormo piu, non credo piu, non vivo piu...mai
I don't sleep anymore, I don't believe anymore, I don't live anymore...ever

Fammi morir, fammi cader, fammi veder
Let me die, let me fall, let me see

Non resisto a vivere
I can't bear to live 

Senza tuo amore
without you

Vola vola lontano, a te...a te.
Fly, fly far from you....from you

Credit :, thank you!


  1. What a beautiful song, I could listen to it forever! it´s wonderful that both songs VOLA and DESTINO were in the beautiful Italian language, so close to my native Spanish! when I heard he was going to Italy I immediately thought about these songs, after all it was DESTINO which led me to know this drama!

    1. Hi Fabiola, Can you understand it without translation ? It's short but I really love it, sometimes if I didn't hear it for a while. I will get a goosebump and the scenes from this drama will pop up in my mind! How can I forget about this drama? Anyway I don't plan to!^^
