Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Fireworks festival : Memory book from Shinsarang

Uploaded by 신사랑 (Shinsarang) ‏@dustnr1969, thank you!

* 이세시마 불꽃캠프 *
    : 이세시마 & 나고야 여행 (1)
    : 150904~0906 
    : 아름다운 자연과 볼거리, 먹거리, 함께했던 내배우님, 
친구들과 행복했어요...! 

* Ise Shima pyrotechnic Kamp *: 
Ise Shima & Nagoya trip (1): 150904-0906: 
beautiful natural attractions, dining, along with my actors, 
I was happy with my friends ...! 

* And we're so happy with her too!^^

Please check all the details, Shinsarang had put in here! 
It really liked a good memory book with all the detail & interesting places. 
Very well documented and so beautiful!^^

Credit :, thank you!

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