Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Monday, August 10, 2015

News : Park Si Hoo will hold fans autograph signing for boys & girls orphanage event

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There are so many news reported about this event, 
we just picked this one because they used different picture from the others!^^


Yes! Finally Besides a good news about his autograph signing for the orphanage in China. 
The news also confirmed that his movie " After Love " will premiere this october 
in Korea too!^^

นอกจากข่าวดีเรื่องการจัดงานแจกลายเซ็นต์เพื่อช่วยเด็กกำพร้าในเมืองจีน ที่เมือง Busan แล้ว
ยังมีข่าวยืนยันออกมาด้วยว่า " After Love " จะเปิดรอบปฐมทัศน์ที่เกาหลีในเดือน ตุลาคม นี้ด้วย^^

The actor Park Si Hoo held an autograph signing event for fans to help Chinese boys and girls.

On August 10, according to Park Si Hoo's side that on August 29, three weeks from now. 
He will come to Busan MBC Hall for a charity to help boys and girls in Wuhan city, China
 in Busan. And Korean Hallyu star's fans and tourists will be able to have a significant meeting.

Park Si Hoo is known for doing good works in a variety of ways until recently, from 
the initial debut. Especially in China and the China region since the initiative is to 
perform activities such as charity donations targeted to repay the love of Chinese fans.

One (main) Wi-and Partners for organizing this event and has operations in the tuium 
Korean cultural products, Wuhan of boys and girls in the early stages of planning
 this event last May left side for Korean tourists and Sihoo activation of Busan and 
decided to help the children.

Meanwhile, in the tuium the Korean cultural products and events conducted from August 28 
to 30 in Busan, 29 6:00 pm and proceed approximately two hours about fan signings, 
autograph Sihoo directly to the poster and organizations also conducted a souvenir photo 
is expected.

Park Si Hoo is scheduled to meet with domestic fans in October 
for a joint venture movie  with China " After Love ".


배우 박시후가 중국 소년소녀가장들을 돕기 위해 팬 사인회를 개최한다. 

10일 박시후 측에 따르면 박시후는 오는 29일 부산 MBC 삼주아트홀에서 중국 우한시 소년소녀가장돕기 및 부산 한류 관광객 활성화를 위해 중국의 한류 팬들과 뜻 깊은 만남의 시간을 가질 예정이다.

박시후는 이번 행사 수익을 중국 후베이성 우한시의 소년소녀가장을 돕는 곳에 후원할 예정이다. 

박시후는 데뷔 초기부터 최근까지 다양한 방법으로 선행을 행하는 것으로 유명하다. 특히 중국 진출 이후 중국팬들의 사랑에 보답하기 위해 중국 지역을 대상으로도 기부를 행하는 등 자선 활동에 솔선수범하고 있다.

이 행사를 주관한 (주)와이앤파트너스는 한류문화상품인 인틔움을 운영하고 있으며, 기획초기 단계인 지난5월 부산의 한류 관광객 활성화를 위해 박시후 측과 이번 행사를 놓고 상의하여 우한시의 소년소녀가장 아이들을 돕기로 결정했다.

한편한류문화상품인 인틔움은 부산에서 8월28일부터 30일까지 행사를 진행하며, 29일 오후 6시부터 약 2시간 가량 팬 사인회를 진행하며, 박시후 포스터에 직접 싸인 및 단체 기념 촬영도 진행될 예정이다.

한편 박시후는 오는 10월께 한중합작영화 '사랑후애'로 국내 팬들과 만날 예정이다.

이경호 기자

Credit :, thank you!

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