Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Please " vote " for Park Si Hoo at " 123 voting site "

Link to vote :

Updated : 10:00 pm : April 18, 2015

No. # 1 : 朴施厚 : 60,637,643 votes

* Remember our lesson!
Only one way we can secure PSH's place is... 
We have to far as we can!
A million, two, or ...five millions even more!^^

Thank you & Keep voting!

We love you, Park Si Hoo!


 Vote! Vote! Vote!

Link to vote :

Voting Result

Champion : Park Si Hoo!^^


  1. Many fans are leaving their votes. It's up to 70, 028,200 votes 10 minutes after midnight in The Netherlands. I'm off now. Need to sleep. Keep on voting everyone. The site is going smoothly for the moment.

  2. Everyone , This is my observation during 6:30 am - 10:00 am ( 4 times ) today : 4/7 ( Seoul time ) I won't say anything, just look at the number by yourself!

    1. 金钟国 71,932,742
    2. 朴施厚 69,773,487

    1. 金钟国 71,938,470
    2. 朴施厚 70,527,495

    1. 金钟国 71,938,470
    2. 朴施厚 70,636,978

    1. 金钟国 71,942,799
    2. 朴施厚 71,382,305

  3. Something is not right and no one can believe that! When we kept voting for him for more than 6 hours when PSH was behind the number 1 almost 2,000,000 votes but after PSH came back to no. # 1 again, this person's votes can jump up to 2,000,000 votes in less than half an hour! They can't fool me, I kept my record everytime I voted for PSH! How can they proud of themselves to try to win with all the tricks they can think of. And their actor is proud of that too! As I said before all PSH's fans have only the power of our fingers not robots, not machine, or money to do all things that we can't imagine! We're ready to fight with fair game not dirty tricks! We proud of every votes he got because it's from his fans and all of us know it and they knew too that why they can't fight in the surface. Ashame! Ashame!

  4. PSH was leading by over 3 M guess what in less than a second it was flipped to PSH behind 2 plus Millions behind. Crazy!!!!!!!

    1. Yes! I kept records every half an hour, sometimes that person has no vote at all! Where their fans went or say it correctly where their workers gone! Take a break from long hours of hacking, I mean voting?

  5. Now, we can't even vote for PSH again! That " Forbidden " sign appeared again! The website blocked us but they won't block that person! Even a kindergarten will know, something is not right but they picked on us instead! PSH, you know how much we love you? Huh!

  6. We felt so depressed we tried to access early today but as of the moment it still Forbidden. PSH was blocked/Freeze same as KJK.

    The accessible star start at Bae Rain who happened to be in #3.

    1. Thanks, Jenn for the updated! I wishes I would get a good news from you guys after woke up this morning! Park Si Hoo's fans are constantly voting for him in this sites for years. We are the same old faces who visit their website regularly so we aren't someone from no where who never vote on this sites before! But we are blocked to vote because something very suspecious going on and drag us into the mud with them! How desperate they are to try to win & boost their guy's image with anythin, anyway possible!

      But whatever will happen on this vote, it won't effect Park Si Hoo's sturdy career at all! The more they do, the more we love him & want to support him and unite Park Si Hoo's fans to be one & stronger! No matter who we are, where we live the only matter for us is helping our beloved actor to the place he wants to be! I love all Park Si Hoo's fans and we love each other! Thank you for standing up for Park Si Hoo, everyone!

  7. And the site is open again!

    Si Hoo's votes: 76,029, 375.
    Votes behind: 1,334,573.

  8. Just voted! Fighting! PhP

  9. Me too, thanks a lot, Wilma!

    From now on, I will put the updated here also to give us the statistic through out this 12 hours while our Asian fans are asleep!

    Here at 2:00 am : 4/8 ( Seoul time )

    1. 金钟国 77,363,948
    2. 朴施厚 76,075,976

    Yes, I know! We can do it!

  10. Updated :

    1. 金钟国 77,363,948
    2. 朴施厚 76,333,316

    30 minutes later PSH gains 257,340 and No. # 1 gains = zero!

  11. Updated :
    1. 金钟国 77,365,371
    2. 朴施厚 76,591,371

    30 minutes later PSH gains 258,055 votes, thank you!

  12. Updated :
    1. 金钟国 77,365,752
    2. 朴施厚 77,113,912

    One hour later PSH gains 522,541 votes, thank you!

  13. Updated :
    1. 朴施厚 77,366,307
    2. 金钟国 77,366,121
    Thank you!^^ Keep voting & running, everyone!

  14. This voting site you can vote as much as you want 500pts at a time.

    1. Thanks, Jeannie! Please keep voting, everyone! We must help PSH ahead of everyone at least 3 millions! I'm not kidding! That's only one way, something like yesterday can't happen again!

  15. Updated :
    1. 朴施厚 77,585,000
    2. 金钟国 77,367,890

  16. Updated :
    1. 朴施厚 78,421,064
    2. 金钟国 77,371,953

  17. Updated :
    1. 朴施厚 78,677,072
    2. 金钟国 77,372,397

  18. Updated :
    1. 朴施厚 79,543,732
    2. 金钟国 77,386,867

  19. Updated :
    1. 朴施厚 80,762,591
    2. 金钟国 77,409,237

  20. Updated :
    1. 朴施厚 81,981,395
    2. 金钟国 77,474,306

  21. Thank you, everyone! Now many of us in the West are heading to bed soon or already in bed so the torch is in your hands now!
    Why I keep put all these numbers here ? To make sure all PSH's fans will see that to reach as far as we do now, it's no short cut. A lot of work, time, and energy we had put it through! But we did it and we did it together! So some people may think we are crazy! Yes, we do! We are crazy in love with our actor and when we see some unfairness happen, it made us even crazier! This love is a pure love with our tired fingers that try to protect the right of our beloved Park Si Hoo and it can't be possible without all of you, thank you! And see you later, friends!^^

  22. My latest & last updated :
    1. 朴施厚 87,331,156
    2. 金钟国 77,761,664

    As you see the numbers here for almost this last 24 hours. It told you a lot what is going on after this site re-opened again!
    PSH's fans are intelligent people, I don't need to say anything but you can tell by the numbers that never lie!

    Thanks again for supporting Park Si Hoo!
