Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Park Si Hoo & his skin care endorsement!

I love this story!
A Chinese fan who brought the skin care product and try to on herself, 
later she has given other fans a feedback about it, Let's read what she has to say!^^

Told by 青衣杨柳 (Tsing Yi Willow), thank you

艾玛 太神奇了 用了#朴施厚#代言的newe洁面皂和15号产品
 竟然发现抬头纹基本消失了#(惊讶) #(太开心)
Emma is amazing with Park Si Hoo's endorsement newe soap products 
and the 15 days all spots on the forehead disappeared even found a surprise, very happy

Well done, Park Si Hoo^^

Credit :, thanks!

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