Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Take a look at the past with Rice donation for Park Si Hoo's events

As we know from now, Sihoorang are asking Park Si Hoo's fans 
to contribute some money for PSH's two upcoming events.

1. Park Si Hoo's birthday on April 3, 2015

2. His new movie that will show in South Korea in May, 2015

What it means ? How it looks like ? What all the money will be used for ?

So we have some previous photos to give you some idea what the event will look like^^

1. PSH's Birthday

Here is photos of his birthday in 2014 at Lotte Hotel in Buyeo

Photo of the rice contribution from many fan clubs 
were displayed at the hotel before deliver to people in need.

2. PSH's movie " After Love "

I would like to guess that the rice donation wil be displayed 
during the movie " Press conference " as it had happened before 
with his debut movie " Confession of Murder " in 2012
So we have some pictures to show you as well!

Now you understand how it's important for fans to show our support during the press conference especially this time after his absense in his homeland for more than 2 years.
I don't need to say anymore why it's so important, all of us knew by hearts now!

And I would like to mention to you again. 
For any individual fan who would like to support these events.
 It can be just one or two or both events, it's really up to you. 
Nothing will be consider small with a big heart you have. 
Or you can collect them from your friends as a group or fanclub in your country too

Thank you!^^

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