Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Friday, March 13, 2015

SHR : Rice donation for celebrating Park Si Hoo's birthday : April 3, 2015

Sihoorang just announced this news last night. 

If you remember they did it last year and this time they would like to do it again 
by asking not just members of Sihoorang but all fans to contribute money 
to purchase rice for people in poverty

And the deadline for donation is March 31 ( Tuesday )

* Sihoorang has given their bank account for donation.
But we don't think it's appropriate for us to put it in our post.
If any of you're interested to contribute some money no matter small or big, 
Please contact us by our email : 

We will provide you their bank account number, thank you!

Announcement from Sihoorang

생일 기념 드리미 기부를 위해 작은 정성을 모아주세요|

2015.03.12. 23:17

랑님들  안녕하세요?^^

시후님의 세번째 영화 "사랑후애" 개봉을 앞두고 있어

더욱 설레임 가득안고 시작한 2015년!!!
그 첫번째 행사로

시후님의 생일을 기념하여 
작년에 이어 올해도 드리미 기부를 결정하였습니다.

그리고  일본JOFC, 중국 Baidubar,  PSH4U에서도
 참여의사를 밝히셔서

4월 3일 롯데 호텔에서 진행되는 생일 이벤트 행사장에
 드리미를 전시할것이며

행사가 끝난후 기부처가 정해지면 기부가 진행될것입니다.

자세한 진행절차는 추후 공지하겠습니다.

시후님을 아끼고 응원하는 마음으로 이루어지는 기부행사!!

이번 응원방법이

우리 배우님께도 의지와 기쁨이 될것이라 생각합니다.

시후님을 사랑하는 마음으로 작은 정성을 모아 이번 행사에 동참하여 
주시면 감사하겠습니다.

 입금기간 : 3. 31 (화)

Translation by google

Collecting donations for dreamy*to celebrate the birthday ^ * ^ |

 Hi ^^

Si Hoos third movie, "After Love" got ahead of the opening
2015 began to hold more excitement filled !!!

As the first event
Si Hoo's to celebrate a birthday
Following last year decided to donate dreamy.
And Japan JOFC, China Baidubar, in PSH4U

  Letting revealing the involvement doctor
April 3rd birthday event venue hosted by the Lotte Hotel
  Will exhibit Dreamy

Events will take place after the end of the donation is determined, gibucheo.
For the proceedings we will be announced later.

Shifu donation event consisting of a mind to cheer cherish the response !!
The rooting method

We also think it will be available for you to learn the will and pleasure.
Collection of small qualitative response to the love of the west lake appreciated 
by participating in this event.

Payment Period: March 31 (Tuesday)

( * Dreamy is the company who organize this rice charity )

Credit :, thank you!

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