Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Thursday, March 26, 2015

My observation for " Asian Male God " voting

Hello again...To all voters

This Vote will end on April 5, 2015

Link :

So close to Park Si Hoo's birthday! ( April 3 )

Don't you want to give him this gift, the gift that all of us worked so hard for him.
Like a machine that never stop running for 24 hours.

Last night while many of you were asleep, I decided to do some research about this vote
 after start noticing something interesting just by looking at the numbers 
and the position of the main 5 actors who taked turn to be on the top spot.

To all respect,  I usually tried to avoid mentioning other actors' names 
but to be able to communicate with you easily, 
I need to use a letter for each actor who I'm referring in this post!

There are 5 actors who I had monitors their votes

1. L ( Lee ) 
2. K ( Kim ) 
3. R ( Running man, sorry I don't know his name )
4. C ( Only one Chinese actor )
5. P ( Park Si Hoo )

This research started last night, an early morning of March 26, 2015 ( Korea time )

From 12:30 am - 8:00 am (7 hours 30 minutes)

At 00:30 am :

1. C = 1,293,457
2. L = 1,293,398  
3. R = 1,292,267  
4. K =1,288,380  
5. P = 1,284,613

2. At 08:00 am :

1. C = 1,305,629  
2. L = 1,305,732  
3. R = 1,305,994
 4. K=1,301,987
5. P= 1303,673

Let's see the number difference during this 7 hours and 30 minutes

1. C  got 12,172 votes
2. L got 12,334 votes
3. R  got  13,722  votes
4. K got 13,607  votes
5. P got 19,060 votes

The entire 7 hours 30 minutes, the position didn't change at all, 
PSH still in no # 5 the whole time!
You can see that Park Si Hoo got the numbers of voters more than anyone else at night.

And we still have more to show you after all Asian countries had waken up!

From 8:00 am - 10 :15 am ( Korea time )

1. C  got 6638 votes ( from 1,305,629 - 1,312,267)
2. L got 3637 votes ( from 1,305,732 - 1,309,369)
3. R  got 3811 votes ( from 1,305,994 - 1,309,805)
4. K got 6673 votes ( from 1,301,987 - 1,308,660)
5. P  got 6931 votes ( from 1,303,673 - 1,310,604 )

Park Si Hoo still leading the amount of voters 
in this early morning!

But from 10:15 am - 12:00 pm

1. C  got 3486 votes ( from 1,312,267 - 1,317,427)
2. L got 2869 votes ( from 1,309,369 - 1,313,085)
3. R  got 2518 votes ( from 1,309,805 - 1,313,214)
4. K got 5710 votes ( from 1,308,660 - 1,317,170)
5. P got 3486 votes ( from 1,310,604 - 1,315,752 )

Now K's votes increase rapidly and still going strong 
during the day time so as C while Park Si Hoo's following as no # 3

After I observed this numbers for almost 12 hours, I had a conclusion that...

At night Park Si Hoo got his votes from Western world fans more than any other actors
And in the early morning he got his votes from both Western & Eastern world fans 
and he's doing great with all that numbers only he's behind them so much during the day.
It's hard for him to climb up to the top instantly.

 So what's the problem that make him fall back in the afternoon & evening
 almost everyday and it's really hard to catch up with the others?

So whoever vote for the other actors are more active than night time
 as it's daytime for Asian fans.

I can't ask all of you do more than what you are doing, so as I!

First thing in the morning...Vote! 
After breakfast...Vote!
And so on...until bed time

But I would like to ask all of you to help us spread this news to all Park Si Hoo's fans 
around the world! Because only all of us work together can make it possible!

 And it can be a great Birthday gift for Park Si Hoo also.

A gift that money can't buy,
A gift that every individual fans is giving to him,
A gift from our hearts that run through the fingers voting day & night
A gift from fans in Australia, Asia, Africa, Europe, and America work together for him

Whatever the result will be,
I know Park Si Hoo already proud of his family.
His big family who are his backbone that make him stand tall until this day!

Thank you, everyone!
From a fan who want to see him bad!^^
Love Park Si Hoo & Love all of you!

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