Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Monday, March 23, 2015

Fan's article : Love by heart, type (vote) by hand

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This article about why we keep voting & how important to vote for Park Si Hoo!
Again, it's a personal opinion but I came to understand & agree with her almost everything,
as if she has spoken for all of us!

Written by 木槿花开等厚来, thank you!

 Love by heart, type (vote) by hand
( If you love Park Si Hoo, please vote for him )

Title's translated by Mei Park, thank you!

2015/3/22 : 10:39

There is such a group, they were known as Hoo Hoo's fans. 
There is no distinction between their age, no geographical the other, nor the poor status. 
They come together, day and night. They work hard every day in full swing on the network. 
Their common love to ask for people to vote, post it and show their support and encouraged. Everyone will do with their ability to do whatsoever, just because of this name...

 " Park Si Hoo."

I never been any actor's fan before and do not know what kind of feeling being a Starchaser. 
Today, because of the name of Park Si Hoo, I had rewritten my history, but also it's let me understand what it likes to be a fan and what kind of mood and feelings. It's more than charisma that amazed me about Park Si Hoo. He is a great person that's why so many people love him and will love him. 
And became a new person from someone who never want to do such a things like this before 
but will do it just for him.

Perhaps, in the eyes of others, we are incomprehensible how such a move is so incredible,
even ridiculous, because a lot of people think that being star fans are illusory, it is impossible 
from the reality. But who would have thought, but also including my own, will ever think that
 in order to help Park Si Hoo, perhaps in the eyes of others may think we're crazy. 
At this moment no one can understand what we're doing.

Thanks to the social network that provides us with a platform, 
let us come in contact and reach many real life people. 
Thanks the network, so we can enjoy to express our love and support for Park Si Hoo. 
More grateful for the network, so we can be close 
and interact with Park Si Hoo through his microblog. 
Thanks also to the network 
that I have met and became acquainted with so many like-minded sisters 
who also love for Hoo Hoo in common.

I am a Hoo Hoo's fan, I love Park Si Hoo. If a person is in love with a person then
 I would be willing to do anything for him, but I was too ordinary and small and a lot of things 
I simply can not do for him, the only one way I can do for him is to vote for him, sign. 
Do these trivial things, but it is also a way to express my love for him 
and no one else can understand us. To be at the polls is such a joy and happiness, 
as well as to share our success with many sisters, the kind of joy from happiness.
We love Park Si Hoo, the sun, and the handsome boy from a humble heart.

We... vote for him because Park Si Hoo's acting is impressed us. for him because of his kindness that touched us. for him because of his unyielding spirit, 
and perseverance in difficult time that let us admire. for him because we love our Park Si Hoo 
We...voted for him because we feel the happiness at the polls. for him, because we know that life's greatest glory is not about never fall,
 but about when you fall, you will always rises again.

When you are humble and noble brilliant, you rock solid rain, 
while others use force and money to conquer others, 
you have to use your sincerity and captured the love and hearts of everyone.  
When many people choose to support and love the same person alll the time,
 this person should be called...the great

You once said that you are not the fastest man, but you are the farthest run. 
Today, our mood feel the same as you, 
even some of us might be done for the day but the others still continue to vote. 
We never have a moment to relax in order to accompany you to the final determination 
and perseverance. Perhaps this little vote for Hoo Hoo may be like 
a little raindrop in the bucket but each drop is included with our deep love for you.

If you love someone, you try to encourage him and help him go forward. 
If you love someone, you try to support him and help the king launched. 
If you love a person, please accompany him go all the way, 
regardless of the road ahead will be a rainbow or a storm, 
we shouldn't betray him, and always waiting by his side.

Human life is difficult, to meet someone who became your favorite person and to love. 
And since you had met the person, please love and cherish it, 
We met and fell in love with the life of Park Si Hoo, this is God giving us the best of fate.
Because he is our past life and family, because he is our family. 
So we just have more obligated to protect him, guard him 
when he most needed to come forward.
 And because we love each other and we are inseparable family


The original in Chinese

2015Year3Month22Date 10:39
有这样一个群体,她们被人们称之为厚粉。她们之间没有年龄之分,没有地域之别,更没有悬殊的地位,她们齐心合力,不分昼夜 ,不知辛苦,.每天热火朝天的在网络里,为她们共同喜爱的人投票,发帖,支持与鼓励。每个人都尽着自己力所能及的能力。只因为这个名字叫《朴施厚》。









Credit :, thanks!

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