Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Monday, January 5, 2015

PSH will be on inside page of magazine T.O.P issued # 2015/03 (VOL.40)

『韓流 T.O.P』2015/03月号(VOL.40) (特集! T.O.P/GD/TAEYANG(BINGBANG)/パク・シフ/JYJ/ユン・サンヒョン/キム・スヒョン/パク・へジン) 雑誌 – 2015/1/16

Translation by Google

"Hallyu TOP" 2015/03 May issue (VOL.40)
 (Special TOP / GD / TAEYANG (BINGBANG) / Park Shi Hoo / JYJ / 
Yoon Sang Hyun / Kim Soo Hyun / Park to Jin!) Magazine - 2015 / 1/16


credit :, thanks!

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