Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Monday, January 19, 2015

Photo & VDO From AL News : Park Sihoo & Yoon Eun Hye interviewed : 2015/01/19

Text version of the popular parts of the interview grace
At 13:34 on January 19, 2015

This Part, Translation to English by Mei Mark, Thank you!

Hello everyone, I am Park Si Hoo. I play as Sung Joon, a grief stricken man in the movie, 

which  is my first attempt among all my movies & dramas opposite a female role. 
It's because in this movie, many series happened when his wife passed away. 
Yoon Eun Hye plays the role of Eun Hong and she is a particularly great actress 
and extremely nice to crews and other staff members, so now and as well as in the future, 
I am looking forward to work with her again, in conclusion we cooperate very well.

This Part Translation to English by Google

Grace : Hello everyone, I am Yoon Eun Hye. Long time no see (Chinese). Since 1999 
when I was a singer, I had been to China many times have about 80-100 times to China. 
I always eat a lot of delicious foods, each to harvest particularly China. Read the script 
when feeling particularly warm, script, love love is not the same with the other. 
I appreciate the grace of a man's love for his wife,I think a lot of the audience 
after you watched this movie, and my heart told me to get the same (?)

2015年1月19日 13:34



credit :, thanks!

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