This picture of Park Si Hoo's comeback is my
2013 Platinum Prize.
2013 Platinum Prize.
I will set it
in a nice frame, made in China
for sure, and I will keep it in my house like a treasure.
People, who receive an
award, have prepared a short speech of thankfulness, so I have
mine too.
Here it is:
Thank you
Park Si Hoo for the special gift that only you have, I cannot define it in
words, but gives joy and makes people to wish embrace you and take you home, on and on. ^^
Thank you
Nikki, Wilma, Lookmoo, Aan, Jami Miami, 'for you PSH' , Nut, Rak PSH for make
me feel welcome in ParkSiHooSonofBuyeo blog’s team and gave me the opportunity to express myself.
Thank you
to all visitors for spent their time to enjoy our posts and for their
Thank you
to my compatriot Ana for made me happy with her heartfelt words.
Thank you
to myself for the courage to put my dusty English at work for Park Si Hoo’s sake. ^^
Thank you
all for sharing so many beautiful feelings, thoughts, stories, words, songs,
pictures, poems, music, videos, news, which nurtured our hearts and anchored
Park Si Hoo in present day by day.
Thank you
and God bless us all!
credit : for photo, Thank you!
Thanks for your beautiful words Daniela.^^
ReplyDeleteYour posts always have something specials. They are an addittion to this blog.
Enjoy your Platinum Prize.^^
I will. You know to have this picture in my laptop or in a beautiful frame on my desk has different significance for me, because for the hope at this image of Park Si Hoo's comeback I started to write, so that's why is for me like a prize. Thank you Wilma for your nice comment.
DeleteDear Daniela, Happy New Year to you and happy for you to get a prize that you deserved for a long time!^^ Your writing is really stood out among Park Si Hoo's fans around the world as far as I saw. If there were an essay contest about " Tell us why you love Park Si Hoo ? " I bet you will win!^^ No! No! Not because you love him more than me!^^ It's just because your writing is better than me ( a little bit^^ ). I love your prize too and don't forget to take a photo of your prize with a frame. I would love to show our friends and PSH that how far did his popularity go. Yes, in a beautiful Romanian fan's home, he will be so thrill!^^
ReplyDeleteLet set a bigger prize for 2014, Daniela!^^
Well Nikki, let just say that we love him in different ways and let just say that my English is only from books and yours come even from daily life, that’s all. Soon as I find (I hope) a Chinese beautiful frame, it’s important to me this tie, I’ll make a picture and I’ll post it. Thank you for your comment and Happy New Year for you too.
DeleteDraga Daniela, meriti din plin acest premiu de platina! E superb. PSH arata super, e fresh, increzator parca mai tanar si mai frumos ca inainte, daca se poate asa ceva.O spun din nou esti un om deosebit care raspandesti frumusete, bunatate si ai intotdeauna opinii pertinente in postarile tale. Ma simt asa de onorata ca m-ai amintit in postarea ta dar nu merit aceata cinste. Eu doar apreciez din toata inima ceea ce faci tu si ceea ce fac alti fani ai lui PSH (fiecare cu darul pe care-l are), si sunt f. recunoscatoare pt. tot ceea ce ati facut si faceti pt. acest om. (faptul ca scriu pe un blog este un lucru nou pt. mine dar am zis ca PSH merita ca sa ies din zona mea de confort) Eu doar am votat si m-am rugat pt el si familia lui mereu si mereu si cred ca dragostea si puterea lui Dumnezeu poate patrunde si rezolva situatile unde eu nu pot ajunge. Dumnezeu sa vindece cicatricele din sufletul lui ca sa poata continua viata si profesia pe care o iubeste si pt. care a fost creat. Iar noi sa ne putem bucura de talentul si munca acestui actor care da viata personajelor pe care le joaca, care transmite emotii si atinge inimi. Dupa lacrimi, tristete, asteptare, reantoarcerea lui mi-a adus atat de multa bucurie.
ReplyDeleteMultumesc din nou pt. tot, Ana. Dumnezeu sa te binecuvinteze!
Draga Ana tu esti tricolorul meu in aceasta postarei. Iti multumesc si sa sti ca rugaciunile tale si voturile tale sunt la fel de valoroase, daca nu mai valoroase pentru ca sunt lipsite de orice vanitate, metaforic spus o lupta se duce si in spatele frontului si este foarte importanta deoarece poate salva multe vieti si scurta razboiul.
DeleteLa multi ani! si tot binle din lume.