Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas time - Love and Peace for everyone

Credit: Crayon Pop, thank you!

Christmas time until the end of the year is always a special time.
A time of contemplation and being with your family and friends.
A good moment to leave daily hectic life behind you for a while.
Feeling moments of love and peace in your heart.
A tranquillity that so easily is drowned out by the noise of our society.

As a token of my appreciation I would like to thank all the visitors for coming to our blog to share our mutual love for Park Si Hoo, Nikki for setting up and maintaining this blog to make this possible and all co-editors for expressing their love for Park Si Hoo by creating and sharing beautiful posts with us.

Last but not least, I want to thank Park Si Hoo for having given a swing to my life. He made me remember life is more than taking care of all the necessities in life. Thanks to him I'm exploring the more creative and artistic sides of my personality which have always been there waiting for the time to be waken up. I still have to learn a lot to get skilled enough for making come alive what I want to make visible. Be it with writing stories, articles, editing photos or music videos.

I wish love and peace for all of you!

Photos edited by Wilma


  1. Such a beautiful post & pictures you created for him, Wilma! I really appreciate that. As editors, we came here for only one purpose... Park Si Hoo! Sometimes I think back how we met each other and why it have to be you, not someone else. I believe everything happen for reasons. We may ask ourselves why & why it must be him. A man for another country who so faraway beyond our reach. He's just an actor and If you are older than 20 years old. Don't say you never have a crush with any other actors or celebrities before!^^ ( Johnny Depp, some soccer name it^^ ) But no one caught our attention as much as Park Si Hoo. He is really my inspiration figure. He makes this world more beutiful and happier than it used to be. He gave us joy & happinees and he gave me firends, many of them. And Wilma, meeting you is my blessing!^^ Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.... We will start our new year together with a new page of Park Si Hoo. Whatever will happen with him next year, it will effect our lives some way or another then let's wish it will be good ones!^^ Thank you, everyone for being here!

    1. Thanks for your kind words Nikk.^^ Just like you I believe everything in life happens for a reason. The good and the bad things. It's all yin and yang! Well, meeting us together because of Park Si Hoo led to the existence of this blog in support of him.^^
      Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your loved ones too!^^

  2. Thank you Wilma for sharing with us a piece of your warm heart in this lovely post. May you have a joyful holiday season.

    1. You're welcome Daniela.
      May you have a joyful holiday season as well.^^

  3. Thank you Wilma for expressing your love for PSH so kind, in such a beautiful post. Thank you for every post in this blog. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! God bless you!

    1. Thank you Anonymous for your kind words. May you have a blessed Christmas and change of the year.
