Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Thursday, October 10, 2013

My thoughts about Yoo Joon Suk

Yoo Joon Suk was meant to get married to Go Hye Mi, but fell in love with Jung Yoon Hee. Originally the secretary of his father who became his when he had to take over the lead of the company unexpectedly.

I have read many times Yoo Joon Suk is a weak personality. I would rather say he is a sad person. Not happy with his life and not able to change it by himself. Trapped by family obligations and dominated by a mother he could not oppose. Especially not when she threatened to kill herself, if Joon Suk would continue his relationship with Yoon Hee.
The marriage between Joon Suk and Hye Mi was part of a conspiracy between the mother and Hye Mi's father. The mother was under control of Hye Mi's father, because she knew about and was involved with illegal actions. Hye Mi herself had committed an illegal deed as well. Only at the end of the drama when the police came to arrest both Hye Mi and her father at the wedding day of Joon Suk and Hye Mi, Joon Suk got freed from all unwanted ties.

The first time when Yoon Hee saw Joon Suk surrounded by company men he looked very arrogant. Yoon Hee wanted to introduce herself to him, but Joon Suk's disturbed look made her keep silent at once.

Yoon Hee was a very cheerful person, but also naive and always believing in the good of all people. She kept being herself despite the bad treatment of her new boss. Slowly she broke through the frozen attitude of Joon Suk. He cheered up every time Yoon Hee was around him.

Though Joon Suk started to fall in love with Yoon Hee and wanted her to be with him the rest of his life, he could not offer her a marriage. At first Yoon Hee thought she could deal with being the mistress only, but afterwards she felt too much hurt.

Yoon Hee had a very good friend in Baek Soo Chan. Gradually, Soo Chan had fallen in love with Yoon Hee. He knew about her love for Joon Suk. Still he supported her the best he could and cheered her up when she was in deep pain. Yoon Hee was not aware of Soo Chan's real feelings for her immediately. Joon Suk knew about Soo Chan's feelings for Yoon Hee too. He behaved very jealously. Though he was with two women himself, he could not allow Yoon Hee with another man besides him as well. Even if that man was just a good friend to her.

Joon Suk's fiancée, Hye Mi, was living nearby in the same neighborhood. Hye Mi did not stop to tell Yoon Hee that she was nothing compared to her, the official accepted fiancée. She would allow her to be Joon Suk's mistress, but she should never forget her place. So Yoon Hee broke up the relationship with Joon Suk. Joon Suk cried when she did. He tried to change Yoon Hee;s mind, but he could not cancel the wedding arrangements with Hye Mi. The main reason why Yoon Hee broke up with him.

After the break up Joon Suk became the same indifferent person from the beginning. Hiding his real feelings perfectly. When Yoon Hee asked for a post in the company in the United States of America Joon Suk did not refuse. He even thought it would be for the better.
Baek Soo Chan was also going to the company in the United States. So Joon Suk knew Soo Chan would look after Yoon Hee. Joon Suk had told Yoon Hee before there was another man who loved her as well.

However, the arrest of Hye Mi and her father when she was supposed to get married to Joon Suk changed everything.

The day of the wedding Yoon Hee visited Joon Suk's mother who was hospitalized because of dementia that got worse. At the moment of this visit Joon Suk's mother had a clear mind and recognized Yoon Hee being the kind secretary of her late husband. She told Yoon Hee to stop the wedding between her son and Hye Mi, because she had been wrong and Joon Suk loved her, Yoon Hee.

When Yoon Hee finally arrived at the wedding the police was taking away Hye Mi and her father for the crimes they had committed. Joon Suk and Yoon Hee hugged and Joon Suk apoligized to Yoon Hee. She accepted his apologies.

It'is true Joon Suk did not do anything to fight for his real love. He could not allow his mother would be arrested for her crimes. It was due to circumstances Joon Suk got back to Yoon Hee. Though she could not be his mistress Yoon Hee never stopped loving Joon Suk. Despite Soo Chan loved her as well and would gladly make her his wife, Yoon Hee could not turn her back to Joon Suk. So when Joon Suk apologized for having been a weak man, she could not refuse his apologies. Her deep love for Joon Suk and the knowledge that he needed her could deal with the hard times he had made her suffer because of his weakness. Every man is backed up by a woman. Yoon Hee was that woman for Joon Suk.

Photos edited by Wilma

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