Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Mar '08 Ecole Saturday afternoon, musical with Park Sihoo

* This interview was set on March 2008 By Ecole Magazine

Translated by Jinju/, thank you!

Thai translation :

Saturday afternoon, musical with Park Sihoo

How many months passed since the end of the SBS drama ‘How to Meet a Perfect Neighbor’? As a co-starring actor with Lee Jungi in ‘Iljimae’ a hit of the first half, Park Sihoo was presently in the middle of practicing fencing and horse-riding in the action school.

One Saturday afternoon with bright sunshine beaming down in abated weather after a while, I went toward Jangchung-dong National Theater Haeoreum Theater with a view to watching a musical play with Park Sihoo. At the time appointed, a man was walking up toward Haeoreum Theater the front stairs, who unexpectedly was in plain dress. It was Park Sihoo.

At a single glance, his fair skin caught my eyes. He looked decent enough to think to myself “Oh, that explains it why he has so many lady fans,” while childly bright and clean. After exchange of light eye greetings climbing the stairs, we went toward inside the theater.

Whether because it was the Korea-visit concert of a Broadway original team, the hall was crowded with audience. From first encounter all through to the hall, he was all calm.

His manager tipped me off that he is a lot shy and quiet so that it might be a little hard to be friendly with each other for the first time. So it seemed.

Simultaneously with humming neighbors’ whispers coming to a stop, the curtain of the musical’42nd Street’ rose. All of us held our breaths.

Sunny Saturday afternoon with Park Sihoo

To observe every move of him, I sat on the seat beside him. Carried away from moment to moment by the on-stage actors’ passionate motions, we greeted them with a big applause at each end of episode.

But he, who looked deeply absorbed into the concern, how come he squirmed from interval to interval? I was afraid, in the thinking to myself ‘Is the musical play boring worse than he expected to be?’ Later he said, he was in a serious cold and body ache when he didn’t concentrate on part 1, and that he was very sorry out of regretfulness over it by the end of part 2.

“Due to a cold I caught, my condition these days are terrible. But because I cannot skip my action school practices, I am presently in a bad fix. This day too, I slept 3 hours, got up at 7 o’clock for training and came here therefrom, so that I narrowly missed a good performance. Yesterday, I was shot with an injection of Ringer’s solution. Still, it hasn’t reached recovery.”

Park Sihoo was arranging for a long journey for the filming of the drama 'Iljimae' in 2 days from interview. Because condition control is important above all for an actor, Park Sihoo was in a lot of worries and anxieties before the onset of a drama shooting.

“Since the day after tomorrow, we are to start a long march. In 3~4 months, it begins to be broadcasted. I guess it may take over 6 months in total. I have been cast in the part of a Uigeumbu’s patrolman who chases after Iljimae. The character is totally different from my former one, so that I am in both anticipation and worry. To tell the point of the acting you asked, wouldn’t it be a ‘masculine charisma’ hahaha?”

Close-up Impression on Park Sihoo

Park Sihoo would be called a straight and narrow path life man. Would it because he is a person beyond something like drinking and playing, and even a steady churchgoer? The name tag ‘straight and narrow path guy’ has tagged along with him. Positively speaking, it is ‘straight and narrow path man,’ while negatively speaking, it might be ‘boring guy.’

But as a result of actually meeting, mealing and talking together, it was not the negative case. If not up to an expert in drinking and playing, he was enjoying the drinking place where people gather. Although 2 cups of liquor were all that he could drink, he was the style who stayed up to the end at a drinking party.

To take words from his manager’s mouth, I heard the a cup flushes his face red, two cups makes him drunk, and in 30 minutes he comes back to where he originally was.

Although he is not equal to creating some atmosphere and causing a big laugh, he was just calm but absolutely not ‘a dull guy.’ Rather, he would be a handsome guy who is mild and gentle. In early days at his debut, they say, he was titled‘a handsome actor.’ What impression I saw on him was rather masculine in a sense and sharp in another sense. As well as his look, his character was very manlike.

I might personally guess, the word ‘reticence’ is a nearest word to Park Sihoo. If some more charisma adds to this, the ‘Sihoo’ character might hit it off well together, which Park Sihoo was cast in the part of in 'Iljimae..

I see Park Sihoo smiling, as if saying “Now soon might be the time to hit the jackpot.”
I expect that 'Iljimae' would be a turning point of his acting life.

Park Sihoo would be little fans but only in the 30s. Whether because of the previous pieces of work, he has yet been receiving full attention from lady fans in the 20s~30s, especially the 30s.

Various kinds of indigenous specialties like blue crabs, red ginseng extract was fully occupied in the refrigerator, most of which was from elder lady fans in direct delivery from producing localities. It is said that these days it even occurs whether another refrigerator should be bought.

By that reason, his younger brother baseball player and mother are making healthy advantage of them together, according to a behind story he mentioned.

In smile saying “Looking at me, don’t you think they might have thought up of their first lovers in old days, or their used-to-be suspenseful boyfriends with whom they were on good terms with before their marriage?,” Sihoo intends to make sure of diverse age strata fans through 'Iljimae'.

He makes a joke, “By reaching young fans, I think I should also like to receive herb candies and sticky sweets, instead of blue crabs.”

Park Sihoo might be sensitive and fastidious, because of his sharp eye lines he has. Before meeting him, in fact, even this editor had been afraid of whether he might be a person too sensitive, or person too picky fond of faultfinding with this and that like some of other actors.

However, according to people around him, especially his manager waiting on him, Park Sihoo is indeed such a ‘popular character’ that something star-like special rather cannot be seen.

To the editor who importunes him for something unexpected, he says he is very ordinary and not very naughty, but likes to eat delicious things and, if something odd seen, visits the shop for sightseeing, not unlike other ordinary men.

Oh, he made a joke that he was kind of ‘oldster-like youngster’ who was fond of going on a spar, open-air bathhouse and mountain climbing, unlike younger generation.

When the musical viewing was done, we moved on to a restaurant nearby for an interview. It was an Italian-styled restaurant. Unlike other men, he was seen enjoying pasta and salad very much.

Was it 7 o’clock? Our interview in a light-twinkling good-commanding restaurant in Namsan Tower after dusk continued in an incessant row, almost like a small talk between girls.

“Frankly now, I have no other idea or plan to be set but 'Iljimae'. Journey, of course I’d like to. I mean ‘a comfortable journey’ that I don’t need to be afraid of thereafter. Africa, I heard of it in just a story. I would sure like to be there someday.”

After Danny Jung concert, I wished to learn saxophone. Since my big goal of advancing onto foreign movie markets, I should like to master foreign language, and so on. Park Sihoo, desirous, but right now intends to only concentrate on making some character of ‘Sihoo’ in the drama 'Iljimae'.

Actually meeting him, his hard-drinking capacity was sure one or two. Like his saying, ‘Work is best enjoyed when done enjoying,’ the mission of ‘Watching a Musical Play with Park Sihoo’ was now finished up with a chatter at a late night.

I saw Park Sihoo making up his mind to really better arrange and practice his plans in the future, saying ‘Man is the beginning at the age 30.’ Watching his pace warmly, I guess, it might play as a tonic for Park Sihoo in itself., thank you!

Credit :, thank you!


  1. How could someone with a character like this in the allege rape. Sometimes I wonder, whether this reporter also wrote something bad about PSH since he knew PSH earlier.

    1. Dear Baby Powder, So many PSH's previous interviews were shown that the reporter gave him a positive impression after they got to know him more and that's why we know who is real PSH ? And you're right how such a person like him could do such a thing like that? I tried to avoid using direct words ( Sorry, too sensitive with this issue^^ ) Before I decided to create a blog for him, I believe I have read almost every interviews that were availabled in English and the more you read the more you know him and love him. When that terrible news happened I never asked even a second that how did he do that ? But I kept asking myself who's playing a terrible trick on him? As you said how the character like him could do such that. No, he couldn't and never will! Many people criticized PSH's fans that we are blind because we're crazy in love with this actor. But the fact is we totally trust him & believe in him. Those people don't know who is PSH they never read or know him as much as we do. I always believe in him since the beginning and so as everyone of us here!

      For this reporter or the others who knew him before were part of the reporters who wrote bad thing about him or not, I can't answer you that but please remember the fact that not every reporters are brave enough to come out and stand by him. It doesn't matter they believed about the news or not. It's sad but true!

  2. Too sad, he just get a lot of new fans after CDDA and then BOOM!!! Many fans leave him before they know him well, and they judge him easily. Another things, what make me believe him is what another party said about him. There's saying if you want to know the real you, ask people around you. And all people around PSH from his early career until now, said the same things about him and all their respon is positive and good.sometimes I ask my self, could he changed? But it's not easy to changed your character right? But, I hope, those reporters who knew him before will stand up beside him, I know because of money they did this to PSH (same like in the drama full house 2).
    Btw, nikki I read your letter to PSH, really touched my heart. Thank you so much, you are another angel that God sent to PSH's life. GBU ^^

  3. That's expecting! You can't make everyone like you and better to have someone who really love you and understand you than just the kind of fans that like the actor from their appeareance! We have enough fans who sticked with him since the beginning until now like you & us here. Fans who can see PSH throughly. I want to add more that the best way to know someone is by seaching for that person's life than listen to anyone as you did!^^ During his difficult time, I have to encourage our frineds a lot, not just to stick with him but to believe he could get through it. It's really hard but we have done it together!

    Now Park Si Hoo's life has turned to another chapter so we must leave it to be a lesson but get over it some point then we can move on with him. His brother came out to apologize and ask all the medias stop mentioning about the case & using those pictures. Some did & some didn't listen to him but as his fan, we will do whatever he asked us to do ... keep move forward and leave those paintful experience behind. And that will make ourselves happy too!

    I'm not sure what letter your mention because I wrote so many of them to him in here and somewhere else too!^^ Thank you for your beautiful words I feel such honor but too shy to accept that easily!^^ We're his angels, without his fans like us, I doubt Park Si Hoo can make his come back by his own. Every vote we voted for him day & night, it's like a fresh air that keep him alive. Without his works almost 9 months when there are so many new actors who fresh & younger ready to take his place but he still survived from all of those and still making news because of his fans who love & support him. I'm just lucky to have this blog to express myself and as I said before we welcome all of you to do the same thing. If you have anything to say please say it. Short or long it doesn't matter. Happy to talk to you, Baby Powder! GBY too!^^

  4. I see this interview for the first time. What great love to be an actor PSH has. He is an introvert, "he is a lot shy and quiet", he didn't like being the center of attention, in the beginning he was alone in a foreign and cold city. However he had great determination to be actor, he had a great love for acting. He worked hard, he wiped the tears, he did not give up and he continued the dream. How can you not respect and admire such a man? He is born to be an actor! and "his pace warmly" it warms me, too. Thank you for this interview.

    1. You're very welcome. I'm glad to know that there're still more fans who never seen this interview before. I love his interviews and I try to pose them from his early year up then we will learn about him from the early start! Please expect many more to come, thank you!

  5. That someone is shy and introvert in private life doesn't mean he's always shy. I know from my daughter that such persons can be like a flame on stage and blow away everyone. They have the power to change into a complete different person. PSH is a natural despite his shyness and dislike for cameras. Because of his shyness past months must have been terrible for him. I'm convinced the unwavering love and trust of his true fans have pulled him through this period. We have been his lifeline.
    I didn't read this interview before either, but it shows the true heart of PSH. Thanks for sharing Nikki.
