Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Our Man and A Red Gate

Our Man & A Red Gate

That stripe shirt is me... why you turn your back to me!

Those boots will help you be able to walk farther and farther

A pair of sunglasses protect your eyes 
from the bright sunshine of L.A or us

A watch will tell you the time while you're awake 
in L.A & we're asleep in another side of the world.

We want to be your shadow then we can be everywhere 
you go, don't forget to turn on the light at night.^^

Your scarf is our arms that embrace you 
and keep you safe from any harm.

Thanks goodness, you're back home safely!

Love you & wait for your return!

1 comment:

  1. He look so handsome all pic^^ ฝาหรั่งมาเองอิอิ
