Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Friday, September 11, 2015

VDO & Memory of Italian fans who met Park Si Hoo at Fiumicino airport, Italy : 2015/09/07

After taking a deep breath, finally our Italian friends can share more experience
about their meeting with Park Si Hoo at Fiulicino airport, Rome, Italy

First of all, we would like to thanks Jenn ( Our Philippine fan ) who generously helped me & Roberta met through her facebook club called " Global fans of Park Si Hoo " before Roberta introduced me to Arianna & Sonia who went to greet Park Si Hoo at the airport ( Unfortunately, Reberta lives too faraway from Rome, she couldn't come ) But I still want to show my appreciation to Roberta to help all of us get to know each other for the short time period just less than 24 hrs before he landed by adding her name on this mission along with Arianna & Sonia!^^

Okay in here we have pictures ( you already seen ) ,
A short VDO at the airport .... taken by Sonia  ,
And a memory note ...written by Arianna for their own memory

Thank you!


What a memorable evening!
Written by Arianna, thank you!

After nearly an hour of waiting THERE HE IS : hat, pink shorts and sunglasses 
that he never removed (probably was tired) as photos from Incheon.

We had some fears that live not combed, was not rigged 
( NK : Have no time to groom or comb his hair because he just out from the plane ) 
but No. Perfect skin and do not think it was rigged. 
High at least 1.80, more just how skinny I imagined, but beautiful broad shoulders! 
We call him "Oppa oppa" he seems to come to us but then turns back : 
I think we seem a little dazed and disoriented.

The chase after yet another Oppa shouted turns with his managers I believe (he's too handsome),
 and look at us as x-ray "But these strange women? What do they want?" Precisely that attitude 
was not rude but really seemed confused and a little surprised, and he was very tired 
or did not expect it, I do not know. Annoyed absolutely not,  then we stopped we took a picture
 and waited until we could take because I are wrapped up with the phone and it took a little time 
as well. I ask him to take photos,  I said Kansahamnida then I corrected Jebal please, but mind you 
I do not even remember my name!

After taking the photos, he reached for me and squeezes it, he smiles with Sonia equally
 but all very content. I say have a good day and have a good night to the confusion, 
he made a little bow and walks away.

What to say. WE WERE NOT SATISFIED !!!!

So we followed him to the exit we walk a little, back then we could not see then stops with his entourage of 20 people, in front of a bus (the private bus of course). Sonia braver than me 
she comes forward first. We regularly review and attitude still concern that we bothered him or he's happy? With the sunglasses is hard to understand his expression. Anyway we show him the photographs and ask " Can you please write?" (My english is very bad and he understood little!) 
He looked at us as if he did not understand well what we wanted (which was not difficult oppa!) 
Then we make sweet eyes "please please Jebal." He makes a nice smile (perfect teeth) and ask a marker from the manager. He said something but spoke softly in Korean anyway.

 He understood that I asked him to write his name on his photo. I start with the spelling and 
he started writing A R E with some difficulty on the R ....  that moment it drove me crazy as 
I thought he could escape us at any moment so I took the marker from his hands, and I corrected 
letter E to I  then I finished writing my name by myself (seen in the picture) 
And returned the marker back to him.

"HERE ' this part that made HIM HAD A BIG BIG LAUGH "

Still resonates HOW AIDA AND Hosanna in the highest IN MY EARS and he looked at me: 
as if he wanted to say " No! I want to write it myself or you're doing my own autograph for me????" 

This impression is confirmed by Sonia. Now he is relaxed !!!! He tried to read my name several times but just did not understand what he was saying (say he might also call me with a whistle). Then 
he finished his autograph always asking for confirmation from his staff. And Then same thing happened with Sonia but this time no problem with  her name at all he immediately understood 
and wrote her name perfectly!


It takes the sign idiot I wrote only to get his attention not to let him stop a little reading 
and then smiles before he start OPENS HIS ARMS TO ME !!!! I just remember that discreetly 
me are tight and I did not find a resistance ..... but I don't remember the details, I was out! 
Nada does not remember anything! Then the same with Sonia but I was still freaked out 
so I do not remember if his hug was a warm hug tense or something.

In the midst of all this that put us before the end of the embrace I said "You Hoo Park are you tired? The Answer only little smile. Then I said we have been in Seoul, we love Korea daebak Seoul! 
The Answer only little smiles again.  In conclusion OUR OPPA didn't UNDERSTAND!
We ended with a kansahanmida and we said goodbye and left him waiting to get on the bus.

What a memorable evening!

~ Thank you, Arianna, Sonia, and Roberta ~


  1. My heart flattered, thanks for that special mention dear Nikki. ^^

    The highest percentage of appreciation is purely belongs to you dear.

    My Gosh, Italian fans are so kind whenever they send us message they used to say: Sorry for my english, its not good.

    So i replied them: Its Okay, your not alone. Were the same! Kekeke

    Arrianna is so funny, how can she write her name on her own for Park Si Hoo? Haha, Oppa i guess having a write time to spell her name. Ladies, your so lucky. Very Lucky.

    1. Dear Jenn & our readers , Yes, they are so kind to share their photos, VDO ,and story to us! I love reading fans' personal experience with PSH! Even it may sound similar to the others because we ended up be mesmerized by his charm until we weren't ourselves in that special moment!^^ But each of them still unique & make us enjoy to read. We can feel the sincere heart from this individual fan. Besides meeting him, many of them had to go through many obstacles to meet him just for the blink of the time! So we really appreciate their effort to be there to show their support to him! And that's why we do everything we can to make sure our actor will get the best for his fans around the world & everywhere he goes!^^ Thanks again, Jenn for being a big part of PSH fandom!^^
