Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Twitter Hoo factory : 2015/02/25

[#박시후][#Parksihoo] [#ENISHI]
(소식) 박시후 전문 매거진 애니시의 10번째 발매를 앞두고 얼마전 진행된 촬영장컷을 팬여러분들과 공유합니다~!! 

Translated from Korean by Mei Park, thank you!

 [#Park Si Hoo] [#Parksihoo] [#ENISHI] (News), The special release of Park Si Hoo's 10th Enishi magazine ahead of schedule sharing the recent progress of filming scenes with fans~!! 

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